2005/05/05, 02:54 AM
In February, I decided I wanted a new look. When I was 29, I worked out 3 hrs/day 5 days/wk and without trying started getting sort of a 6-pack and in those days I didn't like that look so I didn't appreciate it. I started working and my hours didn't allow me the time to work out anymore.
Now I'm in my 50's and wouldn't you know it, now I like that look and would like to get those abs back. I have that little belly bulge on the lower abdomen. I do TaeKwando 3days/wk and I do cardio 1-2 hrs/day everyday in addition to the Taekwondo so on average I do anywhere between 2 1/2-3 hrs of exercise/day and I lift weights. I started this in February. I'm 4'11" and 106 lbs. avg 23%-24% body fat. In 3 months I'm still the same weight and the last time I tested my body fat I was at 20% about 2 wks ago. This test was done by infrared which is supposed to be more accurate. I have a scale that tests for body fat also, at that time my scale said I was around the same range. Now, my scale fluctuates anywhere between 21%-23%. I don't understand. I work out so hard and yet I'm not seeing the results that I feel I should be seeing by now. I have to admit, I am starting to see a bit of definition in my arms but I still think my arms look really big. I don't want to look buff I just want definition. To me, my arms look fat and buff rather than thin and shapely. I just started on your program, today being my third day. I chose your advanced abs program. I'm hoping this will help me to achieve my goal. Thanks, Frustrated.