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Joined: 2003/10/21 ![]() |
2005/05/07, 10:00 PM
Are there any exercizes you can do at your desk while you're sitting at a desk all day or in your car while at stop lights or anything?
Any suggestions? |
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Joined: 2005/03/11 ![]() |
2005/05/07, 10:28 PM
Stomach vacuums if you are working on your abs.
You can keep a dumbell at your desk. Bruce Lee always did curls while working. |
Joined: 2003/10/21 ![]() |
2005/05/08, 12:13 AM
Hey good idea. I never woulda thought of that. :) I wish I could get away with taking my ab ball. I would love to sit on that instead of my chair. 'Course I would probably fall on my rear end every 20 minutes when I tried to spin around and grab the phone and file stuff, etc. hehe :)
Joined: 2001/10/19 ![]() |
2005/05/09, 10:03 AM
KEGEL EXERCISES!!!! :)-------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. www.nme-pro.com |
Joined: 2003/10/21 ![]() |
2005/05/09, 09:22 PM
hahahaha! I had to look that one up...never even thought of that..... LOL!!!!!!! You crack me up philia2
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/05/13, 08:40 AM
Even just tightening your glutes and holding for a few seconds is good.
Those are also good times to focus on your posture - pull your shoulders blades down and together, make sure your head is centered over your body, ears in line with shoulders. Here are some suggestions from the book Stronger Faster by Men's Health: Commuter Calisthenics Whether it's by car bus or train, there are numerous ways to turn some of those lost morning and evening commuting hours into workout time. "It won't be anything like a good workout in the gym, of course. But if you can steal five minutes a day for exercise, that's almost an extra half hour of exercise a week." Such time makes a great supplement to your regular workout. Basically, anytime that traffic is at a standstill, that's time you can spend doing a few simple exercises in stead of getting frustrated about the back-up. Just Shrug. Shoulder shrugs are a good tension reliever and exercise for shoulder and arm muscles. grip the wheel at the nine and three'o'clock positions, and push back against your seat until your arms are straight. Now raise your shoulders up towards your ears. Do 10, or as many as you can until traffic starts moving. Keep your hands on the wheel. Simply squeeze the steering wheel as hard as you can. Hold for a count of five, then relax. "Really focus on the release part," Dr Kunzelman says. "That stimulates a relaxation response in the body, which will help you be more loose and limber when you get to work or head to the gym." It's also a good grip-strengthener. Vacuum inside your car. You can't do crunches in a car, but you can still work your abs by doing stomach vacuums. Sit up straight in your seat. Now, suck in your stomach as though you were on a beach and the swedish bikini team was strolling by. Hold that pose for a count of 10, then relax. try to do 5 reps, building up to 10. Take advantage of flextime. between brake pumping and gas stomping, at least one leg gets a pretty good workout in the car. Work the other one, too, by doing this thigh-toning, isometric exercise. tighten your free leg as hard as you can for three seconds, feeling the tightness in your quads and hamstring, and then release. to keep your feet limber, flex your ankle and curl your toes occasionally. |
Joined: 2002/11/18 ![]() |
2005/05/13, 01:01 AM
I spent a year, running back and forth to my mom's which was a three hour drive one way, I took my five pounds dumb bells with me and did curls. I flexed my calfs while I was on cruise control.:dumbbell:-------------- THE NATURAL WAY IS THE ONLY TRUE PATH TO SUCCESS, PRIDE, JOY, HAPPINESS, LONG TERM FULFILLMENT AND SELF-ESTEEM! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/05/13, 08:48 AM
Power on the Platform
Transportation schdulers being what they are, odds are you find yourself waiting for your ride a few times a week. Whether you are waiting for a train, bus, or carpool, don't just sit and read the paper. get up and get moving. Pace like a lion. Burn up some nervous energy while waiting for your ride. If it's a bus stop, walk to the corner and back to the stop. try to do 10 laps before the bus arrives. if its a train station, try to do as many brisk, walking laps around the station as you can before your train pulls in. anytime you are standing is time that you can spend doing some exercise. Stretch. Heel raises on the curb. Run to catch the train. walk briskly to the end of the train instead of boarding on the closest set of doors. Get out and walk. get off one stop early and walk the extra block. Stand and deliver. The swaying of a bus or train causes muscles to fire in your legs, back, torso - even your arms - to keep your balance. It's not much, but it's better than sitting and doing nothing. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/05/13, 09:03 AM
The same book also has a section on exercises you can do at your desk using your briefcase or reams of paper for weight, bicep curls, lateral raises, push-ups on your desk edge, shoulder presses, tricep extensions overhead... pretty much use your imagination.
Another cheap alternative is to keep an exercise band at work, when you are on the phone you can do exercises, or at lunch time you can work out. |
Joined: 2003/10/21 ![]() |
2005/05/14, 09:23 PM
Very cool! Lots of great ideas. :) You can do pretty much anything, I guess. :) Just my car almost overheating gets my heart pumping a little more hehehehe but that will be taken care of soon as I can get it into the shop to get a radiator flush done. :)
Joined: 2001/10/19 ![]() |
2005/05/19, 05:15 AM
Quoting from laneylou: hahahaha! I had to look that one up...never even thought of that..... LOL!!!!!!! You crack me up philia2 ============= I'm happy to have given you a smile! :big_smile: But it's true.... I'm always doing Kegels, sqeezing my bum, thighs, pecs or doing some light stretching etc whenever I need to stand still and wait for something. It's just a little bit, but it gets huge in the end. :) -------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. www.nme-pro.com |