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Just had 2nd Baby HELP

Posts: 4
Joined: 2005/05/12
United States
2005/05/12, 07:24 PM
I had my second baby a little over 12 weeks ago. I want my old tummy back. Also my butt, and whatever else I can get back to the old way. But for now what are some great exercises to get my baby belly to go away. Please help if you can.
Posts: 227
Joined: 2005/02/25
United States
2005/05/13, 10:29 PM
Jen congrats on your baby.

My second baby turned 1 last month and so I know the struggle to "get it back" very well.

First though, you need your doctors clearence for any hardcore exercise. they usualy give it to you at the postpartum check-up, barring any complications. You might remember this from the first baby.

You should be able to go for walks, do kegels, and of course stretch. I've found that a balance ball, or exercise ball, is helpfull in doing crunches and stretching, since getting on the floor can be uncomfortable for awhile. These usualy come with a guide of exercises they can be used for inside the box.

The biggest enemy sometimes is diet, especialy if you indulged youself while pregnant. Be carefull to follow proper nutrition for nursing- if you are.

Sign up for the 'weightloss and defination' program here at freetrainers, it will lay out a routine to fit your needs and give you nutritional guidlines to point you in the right direction.

And don't forget to fill out your profile, as it gives the experts here some insight into answering your questions effectively.

Posts: 141
Joined: 2005/01/13
United States
2005/05/14, 10:45 AM
Jenawesome is my wife. She thinks that being she has had 2 babies that she can't get back to a flat belly or even a possible 6 pack without surgery. I told her it will be hard, but it can be done. Am I right. If she trains right, she can do it. What do you think?

If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home.
Posts: 227
Joined: 2005/02/25
United States
2005/05/14, 05:40 PM
I havn't reached a sixpack yet, but I hope it's possible.
My stomach is flat from the bellybutton up, but below it's a little soft. I do use weights now for my crunches.

There might be some other mommies who have accomplished it here.

The lack of sleep and demands of 2 kids can make the situation seem hopeless for the first 6 months. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I felt a sense of grief over my "lost" figure for a short while, and I'm probably not alone. I had a meltdown and trashed all my pre-baby clothes becuz I thought I would never be the same size again.

During pregnancy sometimes the guy might gain a few lbs due to all the large amounts of food, but realy he stays the same. For the female the changes can seem devistating. I know that for me the fear of being unnatractive to the father was the hardest part. He still looked good, but now I didn't. Does this make sense? It realy helped me that my husband told me he was still attracted to me despite the post-baby body.

Another big hurdle was lack of sleep. With the first baby I could nap when the baby napped, but with a toddler AND a baby that wasnt an option. 3 or even 4 hours of sleep EVERY night, can leave you burning the candle at both ends. I didnt start working out untill the baby was 3 months old, due to extreme fatique.

And you want weightloss to be steady, not happen so fast that you're left with sagging skin.

Things eventually smooth out, as the babies become more independant. Your outlook improves greatly with sleep and family support with the menial child duties.
And physical results results do come with proper diet and exercise. I think this is true if you're a new mother or any other person alive.

I am finaly the size 3 that I was before my first baby. My body does looks a little different now. The stretch marks arent going to disapear anytime soon. But I'm going easy on myself, I do-after all- have 2 kids :)

Hopefully others will have more helpfull things to say.

Goodluck to you. And give yourself some time to get there.

Posts: 141
Joined: 2005/01/13
United States
2005/05/15, 12:08 PM
She talks of getting the weight off, then getting a tummy tuck in the future. What do you think about that???
Posts: 227
Joined: 2005/02/25
United States
2005/05/15, 04:48 PM
honestly I'm not qualified to answer that.

I do suggest posting this question in the female forum, or maybe even in the general one.
There people with more knowledge are likely to read it and give advice