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2005/05/21, 09:40 PM
Now I have taken Creatine on and off throughout the years, and have heard so many different ways to take it. Before, during, after, 3 times a week, blah blah blah. Now I'm asking some of you Pro's to mass gains. When is the best time to take creatine. Before workout, duing workout, or after. I am gaining mass as of now, and have been taking creatine during the workout, but I did see a study that shows to take it after with protien or carbs. What do you guys say?-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
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Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/05/22, 09:32 AM
personally, i loaded with 20 grams for 5 days, then do maintenace following that of 5 g a day. during the loading, i took 10 g in morning, and then 10 8- 12 hours later. during maintenance i take it post workout. mix it with a simple carb, like grape juice, gatorade, etc. so that it is shuttled to the cells faster.
i'm going to try to take it straight without any breaks. if my strength or performance tapers off, i'm going to reload, probably after 8 weeks, and start a fresh cycle. KEEP ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AT A MINIMUM WHEN YOU ARE TAKING IT! Since your body is holding more water, and drinking is a diuretic, you will quickly end up flushing your system.. learned this the hard way friday night.. but again, take in tons of water if this happens and you can reverse that process. |
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/05/22, 11:12 AM
Okay, so whats better. Grape juice or Gatorade?
Also I know I have posted a lot, but I just want to know all the best ways, and to do everything right. Sorry if I ask to many questions. Thanks a lot. -------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/05/23, 08:09 AM
i dont think either matters.. as long as it is a simple sugar which is broken down quick.. whatever you have on hand.
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/05/23, 12:51 PM
I haven't loaded, the most I've used is 15 grams, before a workout. But I thought about loading. Not sure if it will matter or not.-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/05/23, 06:57 PM
id say give it a shot.. it will produce results faster, but in the long run, will be the same as if you just started taking 5 grams a day.
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 12:24 PM
How does this sound? 5 grams at lunch with Powerade, 5 grams 30 minutes before training with grape juice, 5 grams after training with grape juice. Would that be loading in a sort?-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 03:01 PM
add in 5 grams with breakfast
Joined: 2003/09/18 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 03:10 PM
Don't use gatordae or grape juice. I'm guessing you have plain creatine monohydrate, so just put it in your mouth and wash it down with a sip or two of water. creatine monohydrate will go straight down with no after taste.Don't mix it with water or grape juice. Load for 5 day with 4 5g. doses spread throughout the day after that use 2 5g. doses for maintananince for about 6-8 weeks. On workout day take 5g. before and 5g. 15 minutes in to your PWO shake, do not mix it with your shake take it as described above. That is how to do, do not take you creatine immediately after a workout and then not have your shake till 30 min. after, your risking your window of oppurtunity. Just to make sure you are using maltodextrin and dextrose in your post workout shake right?
Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 03:24 PM
whoa justin.. im under the impression that mixing your monohydrate with a simple sugar shuttles it to your muscles faster, hence why its good to take with gatorade or grape juice. ive had personal success this way. also, taking the 10 grams a day maintenance sounds like a waste in my opinion, as the normal human body ony needs about 5 g a day, the rest will just be excreted
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 05:35 PM
bropie the way you said do it, is what others I have talked to has said as well. I will keep doing it the way you say, for a few weeks and see what happens.
The creatine I'm on, is in pill form, however I can't swallor 14-20 pills( fill up on water) so I open them and add the powder in them to water or juice. I don't see why it wouldn't work. -------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 05:48 PM
just for reference..
i noticed results after my first week of maintenance. i was following a good diet, lots of rest, drinking a ton of water a day, and noticed my muscles were feeling fuller. i also felt more full of energy, recovered faster, and trained harder.. |
Joined: 2003/09/18 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 06:09 PM
The amount of creatine you need to take during maintanance depends on your level of intensity in the gym. The harder you workout the more creatine you will be abe to take advantae of and vise versa.If Your going hard in the gym 5 days a week then I would suggest 10g. if your not using a lot of intensity then 5g. may do. I like to take 10g. to be on the safe side and since I do push my self to the limit every workout. Insulin spikes caused by ingesting simple carbs will shuttle nutrients into our muscle faster is correct. This is something we would want post workout. In turn Insulin spikes also cause fat storage. Our goal is lean tissue not fat. So a good time to take creatine with some simple carbs like surgar would be in the morning and post workout. And it doesn't have to be gatorade or grape juice you could have a piece of fruit in the morning and then spoon some creatine in your mouth and take it. Do it however you please, I can only gve you the information to make you decision. gl
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/05/24, 08:51 PM
Justin I am studying your advise, and thank you so much. I read after I posted that last time that taking it with water is better however atleast once or twice a week to take it with juice. The type I am taking says to take it with water or apple juice. So in all, you both are right. I guess it depends on who's taking it. Thank to you both.-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2005/06/06 ![]() |
2005/06/06, 06:42 PM
Take Dextrose with your creatine. Body absorbs it very quickly. My advice what i found best to be is 5g before workout and 5g after workout. Or keep it basic 10g after workout only everyday. Even non workout days.
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/06/06, 11:27 PM
Do you mean Dextrose like what you find in corn syurup???-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2005/06/08, 11:38 AM
I would not use dextrose when loading. And any other time, should be with your pwo shake when you have high serum insulin levels from the simple sugars in your pwo shake. Taking dextrose for loading is not advisable, you do not need rapidly rising and falling blood sugars 4-5 times per day.-------------- If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.... bb1fit@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/06/08, 02:37 PM
What is PWO shake, I don't use them whatever they are.-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2004/12/04 ![]() |
2005/06/09, 06:28 AM
post workout shake
Joined: 2005/01/13 ![]() |
2005/06/09, 11:14 AM
OK I'm an idiot. Back to school for me.LOL-------------- If you can't hang with the big dogs, go your little ass home. |
Joined: 2009/11/11 ![]() |
2009/11/11, 07:39 PM
does it matter what kindof grape juice or gatorade you take it with or anykind that u can get at the gasstation
Joined: 2003/11/08 ![]() |
2009/11/11, 10:13 PM
I think people should consider taking a Kre Alkalyn product. It's basically the future of creatine. It's a buffered creatine monohydrate that is completely stable and not wasted in the gut, like mono. You only need 1.5-3 g/day instead of 5+ and you don't get the bloat.-------------- All American EFX \\"Natural Freak\\" http://www.aaefx.com AAEFX Sponsored Natural Bodybuilder |