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Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/05/31, 06:24 AM
I've always been really into fitness and am loving my boxing (training with Canadian silver medalist Egerton Marcus). However, currently I am overseas in Korea stuck training by myself. I am 24 and am increasingly interested in female body building. I am muscular as it is because of my boxing but I am confused on how to go further with it. Is there any female body builders or trainers here who could help me out with planning an intense workout schedule. Right now I'm just teaching in the days and then I have the whole evening free. Any advice? I really want to use this year overseas as my lead into the sport.
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2005/05/31, 06:41 AM
how much do you weight?
how tall are u? do you know your body fat? do you have an idea in what weight class you want to compete? what does your current workout look like? what do you eat? | |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/05/31, 01:40 PM
try some of the programs here under mass gain.
2005/05/31, 06:48 PM
but her workout/nutrition will depend on the weight class she'll compete in...
additionally....do you want to compete in female bodybuilding or female figure competitions? There are a few different types I think.... | |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/01, 07:39 AM
I'm 127lbs, 5ft 2" tall and my body fat precentage is 23. I've already been working out for awhile and so I am muscular but like I mentioned, I want to take it farther! As for what weight class, I'm not too sure to tell you the truth. I'm clueless as to how to approach it all.
My current workout....I am in the gym 5 days a week, sometimes 6. (I'm in a foriegn country and so working out and work is all I basically do). When I work out 6 days my workout is as follows: DAY 1: shoulders DAY 2: legs DAY 3: triceps DAY 4: cardio + abs DAY 5: back DAY 6: biceps DAY 7: rest Everyday I do some abs and cardio but Day 4 is my main day for them. In regards to what I eat, well, I am teaching kindergarten at a private school and so I have to eat what they serve. Here in Korea, EVERY meal is served with rice (wild rice thankfully) and kimchi (it's like cabbage). = I try to have fruit before school (8am) = lunch with my students (12:40pm) = a protein shake at break (3pm) = dinner with a co-worker which is usually REALLY healthy but it's a big too much (6:30pm) = then something like fruit or kimbop (rice rolled with veggies) and a protein shake after the gym (10pm) I like female bodybuilding but I don't want to go to the major extreme like some. Having said this, I also don't want to do just female figure competitions. I have an althetic build and would like to go for more muscle and tone. Well, I wrote a lot so I'm hoping you can throw me some advice. |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/02, 10:35 AM
Well, I've waited some time to see if anyone would post some helpful advice for me.....and NOPE, no reply. Thanks anyways.
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/06/02, 12:08 PM
Umm, you waited a whole day, calm down.
Can you bring in your own protein supplements to have with the meals at school? I don't think you need sperate workout for small muscles like triceps and biceps you could put them together and have either a rest day or a light leg day and a heavy leg day. there are millions of ways to split your routine. What do you feel are your strong points - what needs work before you feel like you could compete? try prioritizing a lagging muscle group by hitting it first thing and then once again later in the week. Right now you need to focus on having enough mass to compete, then when you are ready you can try a test run of dieting and see how you look, decide what you need to work on. Pick a mass gain program here, or if you don't like how they look, come back and ask, someone will help you figure out a good split. Go heavy, with good form, 6-10 reps and get adequate rest. Do HIIT for cardio on days that you work arms/shoulders. Give your legs plenty of heavy work and then let them rest (no cardio leg day or day after). You will have to figure out a way to make the korean foods work for you to gain mass/stay lean. rice is a good carb, kimchee is veggies, sounds like your biggest challenge will be getting in the protein you need to grow and maintain mass. Are there supplement stores ther or can you order supps online You may want to try a cycle of creatine for gaining. Get a good multi -aimed at bodybuilders - like beverly's female mass or animal pak by universal. I hope this is what you were looking for. Most of the 'extreme' female bodybuilders are pharmecuetically enhanced, so don't worry, you can't/won't get that big without some anabolic help. |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/03, 07:27 AM
Hi Asimmer,
Thanks for getting back to me.....I know, I need more patience. I'm just really eager to get working on this mission I'm on! As for my strong points, I'm not too sure what context you're talking about. I'm really dedicated to working out and am willing and wanting to learn lots more. In terms of muscle, my arms are my strength cause of my boxing and all my skipping (skipping is wicked for arms and shoulders). Lagging muscle.....ABS!!! I try to do abs in every workout and then one day out of the week I go hard on them. You mentioned about having enough mass....how much should I aim for? I'm 5ft 2" and already 127lbs. I think that I look bulky already, especially my upper body. Boxing has really bulked up my upper half and so I'm unsure about the whole bulking up. Can you explain more please. My gym here sells suppliments but it's all in Korean and because I'm in a smaller city in South Korea English speakers are very limited!!! I was thinking about getting a friend from Canada (my home) to mail me some but is that a good idea....is it safe or is it even allowed?! I'm not too sure on that one. It's hard in terms of dieting though cause of the fact that I work with kindergarten kids and so I'm ALWAYS picking them up and playing with them.....so, at lunch I'm so hungry. I don't have too many options as to what to eat at school and so I find myself eating lots of one or two things (only rice and kimchi for example). I'm going to start packing my protein shake mix to class and hope the kids don't get into it! Thankfully my fiance brought over two large containers of it when he can and visited me last month. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/06/03, 09:13 AM
So, at 127lbs, 23% bodyfat, you have a lean mass of almost 98 lbs. You would compete at around 109 pounds if you were at 9% bodyfat. To me that sounds like you should spend this year putting on quality muscle mass. If your upper body isn't in good proportion to your lower body, you may want to focus on putting some size on your legs.
Cut your ab workouts down to every other day, and alternate abs with resistance (holding a dumbbell or weight plate or medicine ball) and abs for endurance - higher reps. you need to build 'em to be able to see 'em when you lean out. And they need to rest like any other muscle group. On the days you don'tr do abs, focus on lower back - extensions and superwomans, that type of stuff. If you are serious about putting on muscle, eventually the boxing may inhibit that. But see how you do for a while with added protein to every meal and a little heavier in the weight room. i would drop out aditional cardio if you are boxing frequently. It is good to eat, don't stress about being hungry at lunch - you should be. But once you add some extra protein at breakfast and snacktime and lunch, you probably won't feel as deprived or hungry. I don't know what is allowed in korean mail, etc. but you can probably find out. there are good sites online to order supplements, dpsnutrition is one. Otherwise, having someone mail you protein powder would be good. Your nutrition will get more and more specific as you go, so that will be your biggest challenge, I think. -------------- Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but the ability to start over. - F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/03, 12:24 PM
Hey Asimmer....you've been so much help, thanks!
Well today I found a GNC store nere my house and so tomorrow I'm going to check out what it has. You mentioned about "Animal Pak" and "Beverly's female mass" and so I'm going to see if the Korean GNC has it or something similar. As for the mass gain programs, I read up on it and I really appreciated all the info you gave me. I drew up a quick workout plan and so I was wondering what you thought of it. MONDAY (Day 1) Shoulders cardio = H.I.T.T. some lower back TUESDAY (Day 2) Legs (heavy day) no cardio abs WEDNESDAY (Day 3) Chest no cardio some lower back THURSDAY (Day 4) Arms (triceps, biceps, forearms) cardio = H.I.T.T. abs FRIDAY (Day 5) Back cardio some lower back SATURDAY (Day 6) Legs (light day) no cardio abs SUNDAY (Day 7) = Rest Day QUESTIONS: 1. You mentioned about "alternate abs with resistance (holding a dumbbell or weight plate or medicine ball) and abs for endurance - higher reps", did you mean REPLACE or to do endurance abs one day and then weighted abs the next? 2. Did I include too much lower back? 3. I'll be working out 6 days but only doing abs 3 days and cardio 3 days too, is this enough? (Note: I am not boxing in Korea and so maybe I should be doing more cardio). Once again, I REALLY appreciate all the info you've sent my way. Thank you. Please continue to help me out here cause well, taking to the guys at the gym here is VERY hard cause of the obvious language barrier! From Amy |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/06/03, 01:03 PM
I think that looks good, try it for 8 weeks and see how it goes.
Yes, alternate endurance and resistance ab workouts. Lower back looks fine, may not need additional low back on back day. Keep me updated on how the workouts feel and how you are progressing - take some polaroids for your own reference, and retake in two - three weeks - this way you can see if things are changing. -------------- Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but the ability to start over. - F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/04, 12:23 AM
Thanks for all the help! I totally feel more directed and confident in my training now. I'm going to take some digital shots today and then again later as you mentioned.
I'm off to the GNC store now but I just wanted to send you a huge thanks. I don't feel lost now and am relived at your insight and help. I'll definitely keep you informed. |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/16, 11:07 AM
Hey Asimmer,
Well the workouts are going really good and I've noticed a big improvement in my strength and form. The one area I'm still having difficulty on is with abs. After doing my workout I do my abs. How many exercises should my ab part of my workout consist of,...2-3? I read up on the fact that the abs are divided into the upper abs, lower abs and obliques. I've been trying to do an exercise for each but am having a hard time with the resistance ab training and so I find myself just doing endurance abs. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to do endurance abs cause I'm not too sure on what exercises I should do. The rest of my training is great and I really like the high intensity interval training. I do it with skipping and so it's really intense. I was lucky with freetrainers.com in that some guy read my messages to you and responded to me via personal message. He's here in Korea training too and so he's going to help me out with where to buy suppliments. One more quick question....for every workout, I've been doing about 5 different exercises for that select muscle group but on my arm's day, my workout is more like 8 exercises and so it's a longer workout..... 1. dumbbell kick-backs 2. tricep cable push-down 3. tricep extensions (machine) 4. tricep dips 5. bicep curls 6. hammer heads 7. preacher bench 8. forearm curls (not too sure if I used the appropriate names)...then I do H.I.I.T. with my skipping. It's a longer workout than the others and I love it but I think that it's too many exercises. What do you think? Thanks again for all your imput! |
2005/06/16, 04:56 PM
I would do more compound exercises.....for arms....
also...you're doing 4 for triceps, 3 for bi, 1 for forarm.... you should probably include one of these from tri and bi...for your workout...you're doing mostly isolation exercises which don't put on muscle as well... Tri: Close Grip Bench Press .....two one or two arm Sitting/Lying/Standing French Press Bi: Ez-Bar Bi Curls Barbell Bi Curls also try concentration curls To add resistance/difficulty to your ab training....you can either pick tougher exercises....which force you to do more stabilizing, balance, or another apect, or you can try to increase resistance (decline bench ....when you get very advanced you can try hanging upside down with your heels..and doing sit ups/crunches...you can also hold a dumbell or a weight plate in front of you....or use a cable weight resistance....) | |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/06/18, 01:37 PM
You can really get a good ab workout with a few exercises - some of my favorites are oldies but goodies -
Crunches. Focus on pulling your belly button to your spine and visualize curling your rib cage in and under towards your hips. go slowly up and down to get a good contraction. You can hit obliques by crunching up towards either side. My favorite exercise to hit all of the abdominals are bicycle crunches - you extend on leg long ald low while crunching up towards the opposite knee, then switch sides/legs. Go slow and focus on the twist and contraction throuh out the movement. Lower abdominals are really part of the same muscle as upper abdominals - but if you feel that you want to really feel the work more in the lower abs - grab a post (lying on your back) and do reverse curls with your legs up, like you are trying to press the soles of your feet on the ceiling. I hold a med ball inbetween my knees for reverse curls, a medd ball over my chest or head fro crunches and next to my head on the shoulder of the working side on oblique crunches. Hope that helps! Nice pictures, by the way! -------------- Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but the ability to start over. - F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/06/18, 10:02 PM
Menace3000 and Asimmer, thanks for all the advice so far. It's really been helpful to me!
Asimmer, one of my friends here, Mook, actually told me about the bicycle crunches this week and so I've been trying them. They're really good and I definitely feel the burn. As for the suppliments,....I was contacted by someone who was online searching for body building shows in Korea and the search engine brought up this specific post! It worked out great because he (Shane, Canadian bodybuilder) emailed me and just yesturday he took me to a bodybuilder's KOREAN HEAVEN!!! So I've found the hot spot in Korea in regards to where to buy my suppliments! I bought a multi-vitamin at the GNC store not thinking I would find this hot spot but yesturday I was able to pick up a bottle of Prolab Creatine Monohydrate and Glutamine. My concern is with the creatine though. Shane advised me to do the loading of creatine for 4 days and then take about half the required amount for the maintance period (2grams as oppose to the recommended 5grams). I wouldn't retain as much water as if I did the recommended dose but would still get results. However, how many weeks do I stay on this for a cyle, how do I cycle off and then how long before I have to load up again? |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/06/20, 02:26 PM
Creatine has been discussed endlessly - do a fitbuddy search and read some of the discussions. everyone has their own opinion on it.-------------- Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission. - Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/07/05, 10:55 AM
Hey Asimmer,
Well the training has been going exceptionally good. I've lost 2 inches off my waist in a little under 4 weeks and I feel so much stronger. I've been taking the recommended doses of creatine and glutamine, and drinking lots of water but I've got one concern. Because of all the water I've been drinking I've had a drop in appetite and sometimes don't even feel hungry. My diet is clean but I sometimes find myself forcing myself to eat cause with all the water retention I feel bluted and so less hungry...but it's all water in my system. Any suggestions on what I could do? I decreased my creatine dose a little but still get that same full feeling. |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/07/05, 10:56 AM
opps....spelling mistake. I meant 'bloated', not 'bluted'
Joined: 2005/07/09 ![]() |
2005/07/09, 11:01 AM
hey can anyone help me on here. well ive just started working out. i would like to find out, how do u lose the fat around ur thighs and ur buns?? i'm sorta new to this so can anyone here help me please!! thanks i appreciate it a lot!!
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/07/09, 11:23 AM
Hey Gothic808,
well in regards to your questioning...umm, EVERY woman seems to have the similar concerns, or so it seems. My own personal suggestions,...SKIP! Skipping is great cardio...my whole body definitely gets a workout! I'm not into losing weight and so I've created this particular message post for my bodybuilding.....sorry. Check out the other posts though. Everyone's got an opinion and some suggestions....just gotta look in the right places. Good luck. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2005/07/10, 09:14 AM
berezowski - what kind of creatine are you taking? creatine can make you feel bloated. Is it microcrystallized? Smaller molecular structure aloows for better absorption/less bloating (according to what I have read).
Sounds like you are getting great results!!!! Keep it up! Reduce your water a little if you are feeling like it is making you not hungry, or bloated. Are you excreting a lot of water? (sweat, urine)? Maybe you have increased your fiber intake rapidly with your diet changes? that can cause some bloating. -------------- It\'s easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top. -Henry Ward Beecher |
Joined: 2005/05/25 ![]() |
2005/07/12, 10:48 AM
I've been taking creatine monohydrate powder by Prolab....no too sure if it's microncrystallized.
I'm a no go on the fiber increase though....I think I'm just drinking too much water. I've reduced my water a bit as you mentioned and so I'll see how it goes but I drink lots of water without even realizing. |