2005/06/24, 11:29 AM
Hello everyone. I am new to this site and really like it. It has become a great extra tool to my workout routines. Now to my issue. I hope nobody will be grossed out about my topic, but here it goes. I recently joined a gym and also recently got ringworm around the same time that I became a member. It appeared on my right shoulder and under my arm. I have NEVER had ringworm before and don’t know exactly where I got it from. The gym seems clean but, I think I may have picked it up there...from having contact with just about everything...Weights, Machines, Floor mats, Locker Room, etc. Is this possible? and has it ever happened to anyone else? I already went to the doctor and they can’t say for sure where I got it from. I have a prescription cream to treat it. But if I am getting it from the gym, how do I avoid getting it back? I go to the gym 2x a week and it seems to re-appear after workouts. I carry a towel with me and know to take a shower after working out, but it doesn't seem to solve the problem for permanently eliminating it. If I am getting it from the gym, I can’t stop going, especially after paying over a $500 membership. I’m still in the process of applying the cream, they said to use it for 3 months, so hopefully it will go away and stay away. I guess I still have to wait and see. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation.
2005/06/24, 11:46 AM
Ringworm is spread by either direct or indirect contact. People can get Ringworm by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or pet. People can also get Ringworm indirectly by contact with objects or surfaces that an infected person or pet has touched, such as hats, combs, brushes, bed linens, stuffed animals, telephones, gym mats, and shower stalls. In rare cases Ringworm can be spread by contact with soil.
Ringworm is difficult to prevent. The fungus is very common, and it is contagious even before symptoms appear.
Steps to prevent infection include the following:
* Educate the public, especially parents, about the risk of Ringworm from infected persons and pets.
* Keep common-use areas clean, especially in schools, day-care centers, gyms, and locker rooms. Disinfect sleeping mats and gym mats after each use.
* Do not share clothing, towels, hair brushes, or other personal items.
I would suggest bringing it to the attention of the manager of the gym. This needs addressed or like you said you will just continue to get it.
Perhaps they have a disinfectant spray you could use on the mats, etc.
2005/06/24, 11:58 AM
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for the info. I know it's crazy, you can get it anywhere or from anything. The hard part is figuring out where it came from. I also thought about what you said -about speaking with the Gym Manager, but I really don't want to accuse them when I don't have actual prove that its their gym I am getting it from. But with the timing and all I really feel that's when it surfaced. Especially when I am doing sit ups and stuff on the floor mats. I been using a towel on them for now. I guess I will wait it out and use the cream and see if it goes away, if not, maybe I will mention it to the gym manager in a polite manner. But again, thanks for the good info and quick response. I guess my future posts we be more on working out than on skin rashes (LOL). Take care.
Quoting from leslieherr:
Ringworm is spread by either direct or indirect contact. People can get Ringworm by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or pet. People can also get Ringworm indirectly by contact with objects or surfaces that an infected person or pet has touched, such as hats, combs, brushes, bed linens, stuffed animals, telephones, gym mats, and shower stalls. In rare cases Ringworm can be spread by contact with soil.
Ringworm is difficult to prevent. The fungus is very common, and it is contagious even before symptoms appear.
Steps to prevent infection include the following:
* Educate the public, especially parents, about the risk of Ringworm from infected persons and pets.
* Keep common-use areas clean, especially in schools, day-care centers, gyms, and locker rooms. Disinfect sleeping mats and gym mats after each use.
* Do not share clothing, towels, hair brushes, or other personal items.
I would suggest bringing it to the attention of the manager of the gym. This needs addressed or like you said you will just continue to get it.
Perhaps they have a disinfectant spray you could use on the mats, etc.