2005/07/10, 06:36 AM
ok here is my workout and ive been doing it for three weeks now and hav seen good gains on my arms and shoulders. ive been doing the freetrainers muscle gain program
mon - backm, shoulders and biceps (close grip chins, one arms dumbell rows, front dumbell raises, standing lateral raises, dumbell curls, reverse barbell curls) sets of 20, 16, 14, 12
tues - day off
wed - early morning run for 30 mins
thurs - chest and triceps (incline and flat dumbell flyes, dips and triceps extensions) sets of 20, 16, 14, 12
fri - early morning run for 30 mins
sat - leg workout (lunges, squats and calf raises) sets of 20, 16, 14, 12
sun - early morning run for 30 mins
its goin gd but still having trouble wiv the diet, im cutting out the crappy foods, but seem to be eating a lot of chicken and pasta, lol. any suggestions 4 my program or diet?
2005/07/10, 03:53 PM
you dont need to constrict your diet to just chicken and pasta.. just look for lean sources of meat (ie tuna, beef, turkey, egg whites, pork, etc.), stick to complex carbs (whole grain bread, yams, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.), fibrous veggies (broccoli, asparagus, etc.) and monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fats (olive oil, peanut butter, etc.). stay away from trans fats (french fries and deep fried junk), saturated fats (fatty meats, lots of cheese, etc.), useless sugars (pop, candy bars) and processed foods (pepperettes, etc.). divide your meals up evenly over the day, or something like your 3 regular meals with snacks in between. this will keep your metabolism running, and burning fat. this stuff has all been discussed, so check out fitbuddy for previous postings.
2005/07/27, 10:50 AM
can someone assist me with the right foods to eat. I see bropie gave advice to mjroche21 but I would like someone to email me a list of good foods. my email is ootayloro0@aol.com