2005/07/20, 12:31 AM
Damn! I'm always hungry these days, I'm hoping that its normal because of my workouts. Here is what my schedule was like yesterday. I just need to make sure that I'm doing what I can to promote fat loss.
5'00 110lbs 18%bf
5am Upper body
6am 1 bowl Kashi Go lean Cereal
730am 1/2 honey dew
930am left over lasanga
1130am pb &j whole wheat sandwich and triscuits
230pm whole wheat waffle w/ pb and honey
830pm Chicken, broccoli and brown rice.
This was a recovery day from my run and lower body workouts earlier in the week. I'm concerned because I'm constantly hungry. I am just hoping that this is a good sign. What do you guys think?
2005/07/20, 09:30 AM
You aren't eating enough, simply put.
Add more protein. And more fibrous vegetables would bring up your food volume without bringing up your calories too much.
18% is considered healthy, how low are you trying to go?
-------------- It\'s easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top.
-Henry Ward Beecher
2005/07/20, 08:30 PM
I would LOVE to be 18%.. thats my current goal..
I am no expert but you are definately not eating enough protein... good luck. sounds like you are where you should be!?
2005/07/21, 12:50 AM
Thanks for the advice ladies!
Wow I feel like I'm eating all the time! I usually eat till I'm full but I get hungry again in no time. Even with the Kashi and the pb is still isn't enough protein?
I'm trying to go down another percent or two. I just would like a little more definition. Oddly enough I've got close enought to a 4pk but my arms are the ones I'm having a hard time defining, (I was a swimmer for 8 years) Maybe I should also mention that I am 24.
Okay how is this:
Kashi Go Lean
WO: Shoulders
Hamburgersteak with brown rice
Carrot sticks
Whole Wheat Pita with chicken breast and green peppers with mustard
Chicken salad sandwich with broccoli
Water and green tea is all I drink. I don't count calories, otherwise I'll obsess, (I am still recovering from an ED) Any tips on how to keep the sugar craving down before bedtime?
2005/07/21, 10:29 AM
Have some cottage cheese before bed
2005/07/21, 10:33 AM
A good "snake" will do the trick!:laugh::big_smile:
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