2005/07/23, 08:56 PM
Last week during my workout, while doing bench press, I experienced what I thought at first to be a pulled muscle in my neck. It was one of my "go heavy" days and I was straining pretty hard during the last set.
I immediatly put the weight down and got up, that's when the headache came on, fast. I actually had to sit down on the bench and rub my neck and temples to get it to lessen a bit. Once it let up a bit I decided that was enough for the day and went and showered.
It honestly scared me a bit because it came on so suddenly. I am 45 yrs old and am no stranger to the gym although I will admit that I am not a hard core trainer,but I do stay in good shape.
Has anyone had this happen? Could it be the way that my neck/head is positioned on the bench when I am lifting? Thanks ikin adnvance for the help.
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2005/07/25, 08:44 AM
No to the NO supplement. I was also thinking it might be related to breathing techniques while lifting, just a thought though.
2005/08/16, 03:18 AM
as far as i know there is nothing to worry about
as this has happened only once
what you do is for a few days go easy on these exercises and see if ti still pains
if it still does then consult your doctor
Quoting from zoomster:
Last week during my workout, while doing bench press, I experienced what I thought at first to be a pulled muscle in my neck. It was one of my "go heavy" days and I was straining pretty hard during the last set.
I immediatly put the weight down and got up, that's when the headache came on, fast. I actually had to sit down on the bench and rub my neck and temples to get it to lessen a bit. Once it let up a bit I decided that was enough for the day and went and showered.
It honestly scared me a bit because it came on so suddenly. I am 45 yrs old and am no stranger to the gym although I will admit that I am not a hard core trainer,but I do stay in good shape.
Has anyone had this happen? Could it be the way that my neck/head is positioned on the bench when I am lifting? Thanks ikin adnvance for the help.
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