2005/07/25, 01:34 AM
My friend is almost exactly where she wants to be. For her legs I've been having her do squats, calf raises and an excercise for her hamstrings (which has suddenly jumped from my brain... bar bell, bent over with legs straight bringing back/body up... god help me think!). Anyways...
She's tried that machine for the inner thigh, as well as that machine for the outter thigh where you sit and move your knees left/right... but she says it's not doing it for her. What could I suggest to tone that muscle up? We run 3-4 times a week, and I'm confident that it will eliminate any fat she wants to get rid of (already she's blown away at the difference it's made... she was doing the oliptical machine before...) But She wants some very nice tone/strong muscle under there once the fat is down to a minimum in that area. What could I suggest?
Also, what would you all suggest to target the lower abs? We've been doing this ab routine for a while and it's time to switch it up as it's been something we've been doing for a while, and it seems to target the upper abs more so then the bottom section.
Any help is greatly appreciated, as always :)
2005/07/25, 10:47 AM
Have her do sumo squats - legs wide, toes turned out far, that will target inner thigh, as would side lunges where you step way out to the side and squat over the outer leg, inner leg straight. (looks like speed skating, sort of)
For lower abs, try holding a med ball in-between your knees while doing reverse curls or toe presses towards the ceiling. Also, hanging abs will really hit the whole area.
And really, it is probably mostly about the fat loss, which running will help, but diet will be the final peice of the puzzle.
Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
Benjamin Disraeli
2005/07/25, 08:02 PM
Thanks! I agree with what you said about the diet :) The hardest part is having her eat enough food. She eats health full foods, but not enough.
2005/07/26, 01:40 AM
asimmer... thx for the sumo squats idea... I hadn't even thought of that. I had her do some tonight just standing in her room with no weight and she laughed and said "ya... i'll be doing those at the gym with weight after I do it here with no weight for a while..." but we just did legs last night, so i'm sure she'll bust em out just fine =] Thanks again, you've been very helpful.