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Joined: 2005/08/13 ![]() |
2005/08/13, 11:24 PM
I just can't seem to get motivated about exercising. My weight makes me too depressed to do anything about it,I need suggestions on how to make a kickstart.
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2005/08/14, 05:58 PM
ironic because exercise improves mood...so it's a catch 22....you don't have motivation to start lifting b/c you're depressed about your weight...but weight lifting/exercise will improve your mood...
sit down and write all the fitness goals you would like to achieve.....lets say 10......then write down underneath each one the things you need and willing to do to achieve each goal....then rank the goals in terms of difficulty of achieving them....then each day/week/month....start working on the easiest goal to achieve....once you achieve the easiest goal move tot he next......I suggest to keep a journal about what you are currently doing, thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc.....it will help you stay on track..... | |
Joined: 2005/06/04 ![]() |
2005/08/14, 06:14 PM
"Just do it!"
2005/08/14, 07:02 PM
you have a soul of a poet lecter
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Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2005/08/15, 01:28 AM
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but I hate to say it, I would stop looking at your username "BuyHerCandy"???
That in itself would send me downhill. All I know, from personal experience is i've been average my whole life (not too skinny,not fat, just a lot of curves) even after 4 kids. The most I weighed was during their pregnancy which was 160lbs, up until an accident which almost cost me my life a few years ago, (Long story, you can search fitBuddy if you must know). It messed my thyroid up and resulted in a metal tube in my throat which also resulted in my activity level going down big time for a while. Needless to say with all of the medical difficulties I ended up 220 lbs. OUCH!!!! I was crying all the time because I had never been tha huge in my life. Imagine this tiny little mexican (5'4") with 220 lbs. As soon as my doctor gave the okay, I was back and going. It wasn't easy, I will tell you that now, but something hard earned never is. It isn't easy now, but like Menace says, when I work out, it feels so good, physically (love to sore feeling after a good workout) and mentally(relieves stress). Take it one day at a time, start with something as simple as walking around the block once, then make it twice the next day, so on and so on. If you really want it, you will achieve it. Good Luck! :big_smile: -------------- Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ravenbeauty@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2005/06/04 ![]() |
2005/08/15, 05:34 AM
Actually, I do...
You who are interested in psychology should know that sometimes you shouldn't wrap things up in pretty paper and give someone a good kick in the butt to get them going!:big_smile: ============ Quoting from menace3000: you have a soul of a poet lecter ============= -------------- A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good... |
2005/08/15, 11:26 PM
agreed lecter....but that's how I get people mad at me way too often...so I try this approach first.....
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Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2005/08/16, 12:54 AM
I have to agree with menace on this one lecter, even if I do go by those guidlines myself. I am firm believer of just do it, but not everyone can do that approach. Menace gave her a very logical approach. After all, what is the point of working out and getting into a healthy lifestyle if you don't even know why or who you are doing it for.-------------- Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ravenbeauty@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2005/08/16, 12:55 AM
that was supposed to be "don't follow by those guidelines myself" sorry lack of sleep and ignorance has caused yet another error....damn fingers!! :)-------------- Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ravenbeauty@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2005/06/04 ![]() |
2005/08/16, 03:55 AM
Bettia, I didn't say that I disagreed with menace, just said "...that sometimes you shouldn't wrap things up in pretty paper...", being direct is good, sometimes...:) -------------- A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good... |
Joined: 2005/08/21 ![]() |
2005/08/22, 11:23 AM
Well Buyhercandy I can give you my opinion here and tell you what I have done.
I too kept being unmotivated after I gave birth to my son 6 months ago. It was a hard pregnancy with lots of bedrest, and then my son was born early on top of that so my last six months has been very crazy since he arrived. Things have finally settled down. I started saying I will start tomorrow. The time is NOW not it's not TOMORROW!!! My dad used to always say to me..tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...it's always tomorrow is it Traci? And he was soooo right. You have to seize the day, stop fooling yourself into thinking that it's going to get done tomorrow when you couldn't get it done today??? WHY? You couldn't put that fork down and leave some food on your plate? You couldn't reach for the size smaller instead of the supersize? You couldn't replace that big ol plate with a smaller one that fools you into thinking you are actually eating more??? You can't get in 10mins of cardio..park that car a block away, take the stairs, buy 1% instead of 2%...there are little tiny steps that eventually turn into huge leaps..and they make up this journey, this journey from 'fat-hood' into HEALTHY LIVING. It's not a diet, it's not a 'fix'...it's a day in and DAY OUT STRUGGLE and you know what? Only the ones with the little ol fire in their bellies ever win at this. The ones that do more than just 'think' about it. It's taking each day in your life and making 'small' sacrifices and 'small' changes. So eventually you turn around one day and look in the mirror and go, "WOW, who is that fit looking person?" didn't know you had it in you, did ya? WELL YOU DO!! WE all do. Well if you've ever 'popped' out a little miracle baby than you sure as hell know it wasn't 'easy'. If you ever had to train for any type of sporting event, I'm positive it wasn't easy. It's up to us ladies and I think you'll all agree that the more you are IN here staying accountable to people that are in the 'same' boat as YOU are..then the more likely you are to succeed at this. On January 1st 2006, where will YOU be? Will you be covering your big ol butt up in those sweatpants? Or long t-shirts covering every inch of your overblown midsection?? Or will you be wearing a nice fitted top, showing off your hard-earned firm arms? Will you be wearing a nice flowing skirt that touches the tip of your knees and exposes your hard-earned firm calf muscles? Will the beach or local pool be 'OFF-LIMITS' next summer once again? Light that fire in your gut and come join us...this is the year to change. I am just doing it. Today is day 1 for me and I am excited about the NEW AND FOREVER ME!! Remember no one said this would be easy but You will thank yourself for it in the end!!! Ps. I didnt type this post to call anyone fat but I did want to get someone motivated. I am a type of person that tells the facts about things. Sorry if I offended anyone!! Thanks, Traci:love: -------------- I will either be RIPPED or DEAD in 12 weeks with the help of FT!!! |
Joined: 2004/10/31 ![]() |
2005/08/22, 01:07 PM
Good post "Hotfitmom"! I'm with ya!
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2005/08/22, 02:10 PM
yes, I concur, a very nice post. There is nothing better than hearing from those who have actually gone through it themselves. :big_smile:
let us know how your progress is coming along. -------------- Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ravenbeauty@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2005/08/28 ![]() |
2005/08/28, 06:58 PM
good post hotfitmom, just getting started myself. it is very hard to get and stay motivated. I have 2 children 6 and 3 and my husband and work different hours he goest to work when I am getting home from work. Finding the time and Energy to fit in a program if difficult. I also really need the support. When I tell my husband that this is what I want to do he says " WHATEVER!!!" Makes it hard to stay motivated ya know? :( I want to prove him wrong and "keep the lights on" if you know what I mean.