I have heard many conflicting things about this. Some say eat a tiny bit of protien right before and right after. Some say just eat about an hour before. Some say DO NOT eat at all before you workout.
WELLLLLLLLLLLL What is it? I am confused. I am not a fitness expert at all and totally clueless on a few things so can someone help me here??
My first workout is today at 4pm so I need to know about the meal before that!
-------------- I will either be RIPPED or DEAD in 12 weeks with the help of FT!!!
Yup.... gotta fuel the fire... usually a cup of oatmeal is what I eat about 45 minutes to an hour before exercising. There are differening thoughts on this too... do a fit buddy search and check out some ideas... a lot of it depends on goals, etc.
-------------- This donut has purple in the middle, purple is a fruit. - Homer (Simpson)
Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban
more or less, complex carbs and a bit of protein before. postworkout, a protein shake is great, as it is absorbed faster than a solid meal. follow up with a regular meal about an hour after you workout.