2005/08/29, 04:02 PM
Ok, imagine a 15 year old who is 6 foot tall, weighing 125-130 lbs. I am very skinny to say the least. I have a weight set which allows benching, leg curls, leg extensions, lat pulls, and arm curls; just to be specific. I am desperately looking to gain weight all over, and gain some upper body strength...
I need to knwo some safe methods without buying weightgaining supplements or steroids of any kind. Please help anyone!
2005/08/30, 01:41 AM
EAT! EAT! EAT! BUT EAT WELL! good carbs, good protein, sources and veggies!
2005/08/30, 12:11 PM
Hey, I hear ya. I'm 19-year-old (girl) and I've never weighed much more than about 110. Of course, I'm a little shorter, too...about 5'7. My goal right now is to increase muscle mass and weight. If that means gaining fat, so be it. I'm sure I could use a little! Good luck to you, fellow string bean.