Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Is this right??

Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/09/06
United States
2005/09/06, 06:22 PM
My Basal Metabolism Rate is 2126.1 and I burn aboout 834 calories when I work out. So I burn 2960.1 calories a day?? That doesn't sound right. My body mass is 33.1% fat (WAY to high)!! I'm only 15, weigh 211 lbs., and am about 5'7"-8". I don't know how many calories I consume a day, but if I burn that many calories/day, wouldn't I be thinner and more lean??
Posts: 88
Joined: 2005/08/10
United States
2005/09/06, 06:33 PM
lol there is no way that your burning that many calories do cardio and since your basal metabolism is 2100 i would maybe eat about 2700-2900 and eat often maybe every 3 hours and i would work out maybe doin low weights high reps to help brn calories and tone. your basal metabolism rate means thats how many calories your body needs to run right thats the minimum calorie intake that you should eat and as you lose weight it will get lower and if your burning 834 calories a day that means that your body will have about 1300 calories left so the 2960.1 cals that you added up is actually what you should be taking in thats not how many calories your burning
Posts: 88
Joined: 2005/08/10
United States
2005/09/06, 06:36 PM
and if i was you i would wait for some one else to respond and hear what they have to say because im not sure i know what im talking about
Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/09/06
United States
2005/09/06, 08:21 PM
Yeah I thought that was kinda wierd. Oh... I thought that was how many calories I burn. That still seems pretty high on how many calories I need to take in.
Posts: 38
Joined: 2005/01/09
United States
2005/09/09, 02:28 PM
I understand what you're saying. Your body needs 2126 calories per day to function properly, so if you burn 834 you now need at least 2960 = (2126 + 834) so your body can function.

Go to
to compare your stats of what your fat% and how many calories you should be eating.
Posts: 183
Joined: 2005/03/25
United Kingdom
2005/09/09, 02:52 PM
How do u find out ur Basal Metabolism rate?

\"Liyytttweighttttttt !!! Nuttin but a peanut..\" Ronnie Coleman
Posts: 166
Joined: 2005/06/12
United States
2005/09/09, 04:46 PM
Fatty, if you are trying to lose weight you want to decrease your calories by about 250 a a fitbuddy search and this can be explained better than i can explain it to you.