Group: Beginners to Exercise

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i want to gain muscle mass but no fat

Posts: 4
Joined: 2005/08/18
United States
2005/09/09, 06:10 PM
Is it possible to gain muscle mass without gaining any extra fat? i want the weight but in muscle not fat. I'm 15 and i weigh 120 (which i think is too low) and i'm 5'4''. Is my weight a good weight for my heighth? HELP!

Praise Him
Posts: 277
Joined: 2005/06/22
United States
2005/09/09, 10:21 PM
ohyeah your weight for your height is all right i weighed about that much 2 months ago and im only an inch or two taller than you just about dont worry though i bet you will get taller than what you are at right now
Posts: 180
Joined: 2005/02/26
2005/09/17, 09:27 AM
How much of this bodybuilding stuff is really relevant if you just want to get in shape?

Training - this has been well covered in other threads, but to reiterate: if you want to lose weight or get a firmer body, what you need to do is build muscle - each pound of muscle you gain burns an extra 30-50 calories a day, and aids you in getting rid of fat.

Who knows the best way to build muscle? - bodybuilders - the only difference is the extent to which you take it.

Diet - I used to think that this eating every 3-4 hours and eating more than 1200 cals a day would not work for me, as I don't have big muscles and can't lift heavy weights. I thought if I eat like the bodybuilders I will gain too much fat. WRONG!

The key is the timing - if you spread your calories evenly and eat every 3-4 hours, your food will keep your metabolism fired up, and help you lose fat.
If you eat all your calories in 2 or 3 sittings, they'll be stored as fat, and the long gap between meals will lead to your metabolism slowing even further.

If your still not convinced, I challenge you to try it for a couple of weeks - what have you got to lose?
The outside possibility that you may put on a little weight (which is what you're afraid of) versus the chance to increase your metabolism and become one of those people you always envied, who can eat regularly, but still keep trim.