2005/09/23, 03:53 PM
Time to buckle down! I'm a 44 year old father of 8 year old quintuplets. I've got gout, high blood pressure, apnea, hypogonadism, lots of FAT and STRESS. I'm an advertisement for predicatble stroke or heart failure.
3 years ago - the company I worked for had a "New You Challenge" and got fat people like me "with the program" personal trainers, exercise equipment, supplements, etc. so that we could be before and after pics for their business (Home Shopping Network)
It was great! I lost 45 pounds - and my body totally changed - far more than the weight would indicate - my before and after's are here .. .
(hope that's not against board policy)
The last 6 months have been instensly stressful- and being a stress eater, + not having good access to the time to go to the gym, I've put most of that weight back on.
Certain things are working in my favor . . .
had a year with an awesome personal trainer - and know the basics very well
I've got a solid muscular foundation under all this newly re-grown fat - while my weight is back to almost it's all time high - my pant size is still 2 - 3 sizes less than it was - the difference is leftover muscle.
Since Time and access to a gym are problematic have a rowing machine, weider crossbow and gazelle at home.
I have tremendous stamina - lots and lots of low end torque
Certain things working against me -
low testosterone (hypogonadism - I am self injecting depo testosterone under perscription)
blood pressure kreeping into the'80s'
vegan wife - low quality protein at home
gout flare-ups (like TODAY darnitall!)
bad apnea impacting sleep and waking alertness
extreme time pressure - work 1 full time job and 2 consulting jobs (soon to be 3) supporting vegan wife and higher order multiples.
very recent car accident, and associated back injury
mega stressful life
So that's my story - I'm ready to start. Fortunately, I've had the "New You Challenge" experience with an awesome personal trainer - and know how this is done. I'm planning on seeing Dellaino (my trainer) at least once a week to ensure that I'm staying on track - I've traded web design services with him against his services as a trainer.
Thanks All - for the support that I know I will be drawing from this board.