Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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gaining arms mass

Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/09/28
United States
2005/09/28, 05:46 PM
Hi I'm 6'2" and 190 lbs. My body is in tone but my arms stay skinny, any ideas how to gain mass on my arms?
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2005/09/30, 06:28 PM
Diet and a good FT mass program.

Pain is temporary; glory is forever!

Posts: 7
Joined: 2005/11/19
2005/11/23, 06:42 PM
To gain mass on your arms has to take time, but with heavy weight lifting, you'll get their faster. Heavier weights grow muscle mass, light weights with many reps creates tone.
Just stick to heavy weight lifting, about 3 sets with 6-8 reps or more, don't kill yourself though, Good form is what counts to create a strong and healthy body, it just takes time, patience is the key.
Peace out CUBAN GATOR.
