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Joined: 2005/10/17 ![]() |
2005/10/24, 12:35 AM
I was thinking of trying the Carmen Electra Strip Tease workout. Has anyone tried it?
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2005/10/24, 06:24 AM
it's awesome...I do it daily =)...I put on my best lingerie....a nice sexy pink laced bra...nice pink panties.....and go wild on the pole in the center of my room....this is how I got my results...honest! (keep in mind I play a lot of poker :)~ )
stile I really suggest doing the basics...I know this seems like something cool to do...but most of it is a bunch of bs....she gets thin by eating well and correct calories...as well as working out....other than this....does she burn calories using this workout? yes..so does spinning in your computer chair for an hour...doing the 'worm' or any number of whacky things....the point however is that this is not something that got her the results....I bet first thing in the morning she hits a treadmill or a step climber(can you seriously imagine her doing this?.) ....and thne does this bs on the side to make some extra money....after you exercise for a while...you'll learn to spot bs like this very very quickly....almost as good as the science behind 'sweat suits'.... I realize that many people have hard time staying motivated doing cardio....with same thing over and over...so they result to doing richard simmons tapes...or some other whacky things...(tae bo, and any number of other things....funny thing is that half the people who do it...prolly think they are learning self defense)....if this is the only thing that helps you stay motivated...then so be it...do it...but you're much better doing the other things.... | |
2005/10/24, 06:25 AM
eh...my smiley came out all wrong...lol....=)~
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Joined: 2005/10/17 ![]() |
2005/10/24, 09:18 AM
I just wanted to do it as an extra thing for fun.
Joined: 2002/01/09 ![]() |
2005/10/24, 11:03 AM
LOL menace - I'm sooooo glad you put that smiley in there as I was getting visions of something I had absolutely no desire to have visions of.-------------- Mike in Pensacola Now. |
Joined: 2003/06/27 ![]() |
2005/10/24, 05:40 PM
Just wanted to re-emphasize the fact that if Tae Bo, Richard Simmons, The Stripper workout, heck, even the tape where you literally walk in your living room...if these tapes that are "bs" get someone moving, and continueing to move as opposed to not, then they are a good thing, even if not viewed to be as good as regular cardio on the eliptical or lifting. |
2005/10/25, 09:21 AM
LOL Mike...just thought it was a good intro to my post....
Cristal you misunderstood what I was saying... 'I realize that many people have hard time staying motivated doing cardio....with same thing over and over...so they result to doing richard simmons tapes...or some other whacky things...(tae bo, and any number of other things....funny thing is that half the people who do it...prolly think they are learning self defense)....if this is the only thing that helps you stay motivated...then so be it...do it...but you're much better doing the other things....' by this I mean that it's all Gimmicky....in other words...that it can work in the short run....and perhaps even produce decent results....however can you really imagine yourself get up at 6 am, put on a stripper workout in your VCR and do it? or Richard Simmons? over a long period of time? I don't think so....these workouts give you no understanding of the principles involved in exercise or what it really takes to lose weight and keep it off....gimmicky stuff can work well....so can placebo effect...is it effective? it can be....but is drinking water...thinking it's a potion to make you stronger and than going out and doing 30 lb more on bench press effective? hey if I can do this continuously....I'd sure as heck do it... you're very right...it's hard to get most people excited about fitness...so yes gimmicks do work on them...but only because it 'seems' fun and the people on tv are very energetic, in great shape, and so on.....those things can be very infectious...if this method happens to eventually get a person moitvated and perhaps excited about fitness and help them read up in other areas of exercise/nutrition/healthy living then so be it...I am just saying it's not the best/most effective/rational approach...if one of these things happened to work very well for you...then that's great....can't argue with results...I just believe there are more effective, cheaper ways of getting and staying fit... some of the most effective ways of staying fit can be playing sports(which can ignite competitive fires and help you stay motivated), take up dancing(whichever style), going hiking, etc...things which can be enjoyable in themselves yet also provide amazing cardio...and don't have some gimmick...buy my tape for 10-40$....or buy my so and so...look at these 5 people...they lost 50 lb...my program is effective...most people who fall for this crap are ignorant in fitness....or the research you need to have to make soemthing worthwhile....this is why there are a million cardio , ab, home fitness centers, and so on....most of it is absolute junk...are we going to argue that they are effective if they can get people excited about workout out? I personally prefer to believe in lepricons than accept these machines as effective tools for exercise... | |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2005/10/25, 06:26 PM
I get asked what the most effective workout is... A LOT.
My answer for people just starting out... A workout that you will do... If you think it is something that will keep you motivated and that you won't want to quit, then by all means, enjoy it. Yes menace, I agree, most of the cardio crazes out there are crap. But even if its not the most effective program in the world, if it gets people out and moving, and if it serves as a basis for moving on to other things, then it has served its point. -------------- To have talent is to have limits. I have no talent therefor I have no limits. Steve Prefontaine If you smoke or don’t wear your seatbelt, please don’t tell me the deadlift is dangerous. |
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2005/10/25, 11:38 PM
bravo boys very good suggestions and great points.-------------- Bettia.... You will only be remembered for the things that you finish, not the things that you start! ravenbeauty@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2005/10/26, 01:00 AM
why thank you bettia.
Joined: 2005/10/17 ![]() |
2005/10/26, 01:53 AM
Well Menace was right!!! I broke down last night and bought the DVD. This morning I played it and it was a bunch of crap! 1st you do a dancers warmup (basic stretches). Then they go through these dance moves that you would do at a club or something, while Carmen encourages you to perform these moves in front of your man. PLEASE!! I felt like such an idoit dancing around my living room... Hoping the whole time that my neighbors couldn't see through my blinds!
2005/10/26, 05:57 AM
Wrestler I agree...and I made that very same point...yes it's a load of crap but if it gets them to work out then do it....I am just very skeptical that these are long term 'programs'....eventually majority of people will either 'a' get bored/busy/stop caring etc...and stop doing them or 'b' they will decide to expand their horizons, read up on other things, realize these 'programs' are a load of crap and move on....only a tiny % will continue to do this for 5, 10, 20+ years......but then again i met people who lift weights for 30+ years yet have 0 to show for it...why? because they do ineffective exercises, or do them incorrectly, or lift too light , or do incomplete training, or a variety of other reasons....with stubborness on top of everything else...
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2005/10/26, 11:49 AM
I'm getting hot thinking about Menace on that pole in a set of pink panties and a matching bra. God I miss Hec. He was so hot...-------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/06/27 ![]() |
2005/10/26, 12:02 PM
yeah...I was wondering(i know I've been gone a while) where is Hec?
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2005/10/26, 12:33 PM
The closest I have come to this stripper workout is opening my wallet and giving another dollar for a dance. But Charlie, for you I will get on a pole and make all your dreams come true.
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2005/10/26, 01:27 PM
oh oh can I wear my cheerleading skirt? :laugh:-------------- Friends don't let friends squat high... People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it. |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2005/10/26, 08:53 PM
This post is becoming more interesting as it grows! -------------- Scales are for dead weight: We are not dead yet! Still trying to find out how to do the Hollywood Free Press. Ivan Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2005/10/27, 12:41 AM
I can't believe you actually just said that...
============ Quoting from bigandrew: oh oh can I wear my cheerleading skirt? :laugh: ============= -------------- To have talent is to have limits. I have no talent therefor I have no limits. Steve Prefontaine If you smoke or don’t wear your seatbelt, please don’t tell me the deadlift is dangerous. |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2005/10/27, 08:11 AM
That was kind of weird
2005/10/27, 06:38 PM
lol...had to actually reread that...
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Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2005/10/27, 10:47 PM
lol I know the sterotypes, me and the other guys make fun of ourselves all the time.....-------------- Friends don't let friends squat high... People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it. |
Joined: 2002/11/13 ![]() |
2005/10/28, 01:12 PM
Menace I agree that there are a lot of scams out there...but I must say this if it works...then it isn't "crap"...I also find the term gimmick to be wrongly used...."A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick"...Not all the dvds, books, diet plans fall into this category...Each person finds his own success and what works for one may not work for another...
The programs as a whole, in many cases are good...it is the marketing (Lose a dress size in 7 days....and the girl they show clearly lost more than 30 or so lbs) To me if I developed a program where someone did indeed lose the dress size in that time I would show the before and after of that.... Anyways just my 2 cents...A person who does Sweatin to the Oldies everyday and maintains his/her current weight will be healthier than the person sitting on the couch....at least they are moving :) |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2005/10/28, 01:35 PM
yea, trust me andrew, I of all people get the stereotypes. I wrestled all through high school and now do MMA style fighting. I get jokes all the time...
But I STILL can't believe you said that. -------------- To have talent is to have limits. I have no talent therefor I have no limits. Steve Prefontaine If you smoke or don’t wear your seatbelt, please don’t tell me the deadlift is dangerous. |
Joined: 2003/06/27 ![]() |
2005/10/28, 01:45 PM
Lonegirl, that was exactly what I was trying to say. Moving and working out at all even if you are dancing around like an idiot to a song on a commercial for your favorite phone company(yes I have done this lol), is better than just sitting there and doing nothing.
2005/10/29, 04:39 AM
and I am sure this is the argument used for the placebo effect...'sir u were drinking water' "cured my cancer didn't it?" 'uh yea..?'
first off: gim·mick ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gmk) n. A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus. An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance; a gadget. An innovative stratagem or scheme employed especially to promote a project: an advertising gimmick. A significant feature that is obscured, misrepresented, or not readily evident; a catch. A small object whose name does not come readily to mind. gimmick also can be used to mean something that's been overgeneralized, mass produced,commercialized, made overly catchy....sure u can use words like 'toning','cut fat from abs', and so forth and perhaps get results...or using ab devices til you're blue in the face and eventually get results...but that doesn't make these things sound devices/ideas....most of these programs forget to mention that those big transformations were done by people who also changed other aspects of their lives by completely altering their diets and their livestyles...I have a feeling that one of those programs gave u good results so you're taking my comments personally...but like I said...you can lose eating 5 peanuts a day but it doesn't make it a good nutrition plan ...no matter how much u tell me of how u lsot 50lb.... | |
Joined: 2002/11/13 ![]() |
2005/10/29, 10:59 AM
All i am saying is that sometimes for some people explaining the ins and outs of sound nutrition, and exercise is not enough in the beginning...Telling someone they have to workout with a strict routine and follow a strict diet may not be where to begin...if following some silly dvd gets them going and moving it may *spark* more interest in doing new things...People must enjoy what they do to get in shape or they will not make a lifetime commitment...
2005/10/30, 03:26 AM
agreed....and that was one of my points....living with the lesser of 2 evils....not exercising vs doing some gimmicky exercise plan
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Joined: 2005/10/24 ![]() |
2005/10/31, 03:30 PM
The truth is we will only do what we can handle, alot of the time we lie to ourselves believing one thing and actully doing another. I agree with the fact that something is better then nothing, but to get results we have to do a combination of three things, resistance training, cardio and portion control.(Calories in verses calories out). The question here is what are we willing to do to get the results we want? To thine ownself be true.
Joined: 2002/12/30 ![]() |
2005/11/03, 04:41 PM
============ Quoting from stileish: Well Menace was right!!! ============= Bad poker face! We all know he's tried it in his pretty pink panties! J/k but that might not actually be a bad site to see! ;-) Right girls? Anyways I've thought about getting this too! Not for it's workout but just for fun! Nothing beats the feeling like your sexy as h*ll to keep you going strong in your real workouts! Guys might think the tapes are a waste but when you show them your stripper moves I doubt they'd be complaining! |
Joined: 2005/05/27 ![]() |
2005/11/07, 03:46 PM
does carmen do personal training?
2005/11/07, 07:07 PM
only in your dreams
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Joined: 2005/05/27 ![]() |
2005/11/08, 08:54 AM
why does menace always have to be right :)
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2006/06/27, 08:58 AM
Whoa...that came out of left feild!
Joined: 2005/03/20 ![]() |
2006/06/27, 09:03 AM
Okie Dokie!! Where did that come from?
Moderators...Can we get a clean up in Female Discussions...?? |
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2006/06/27, 09:24 AM
On a completely different note,I told my 10 year old to grab her "thongs" on her way out of the door yesterday and she looked at me like I'd lost my mind and said "Mom that's gross!!I don't wear thongs!!!"At first I didn't get it,then I did and started cracking up and told her to just get her flip-flops.Doesn't any buddy call beach sandles thongs anymore??
Joined: 2005/01/18 ![]() |
2006/06/27, 11:01 AM
I did until I got the same reaction from my kids:big_smile:
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2006/06/27, 11:37 AM
That's the first time I've been able to read the comment before it got deleted,now my post doesn't make sense.Oh well.
Well fly I'm glad I'm not the only one...while we were at walmart we passed by this whole wall of sandles and my daughter turns to me and asks if I need new thongs.Her little friend looks at her with huge eyes and my daughter tells her "my mom thinks these are called thongs" and they both giggle and look at me like I'm an idiot.So I'll have to show her this so she knows I'm not the only one!!! |