2005/11/02, 11:11 PM
Hey Everyone, I am new to this site. I was just wondering, is there any ways other than good dieting and healthy eating i could do to help build up more muscle on my stomach and chest faster???
I all ready have a six pack i just really want to get better definition, and would really appreciate any imput or advice on this matter.
2005/11/03, 06:12 AM
What does your workout plan look like? Try higher weights with lower reps to start adding some bulk...and make sure to eat to fuel the extra energy...
2005/11/03, 08:42 AM
Cool Thanks for that, oh and i have different set days where i just do different excercises, it just like varies on each weekday. But yeah i will give the bigger weights ago and see that helps. Thankyou
2005/11/04, 05:10 PM
I eat every three hours about 25-30 grms of protein to maintain nitrigen balance in my muscles. Also I break up by body into a 4 day workout. I incorporate powerlifting moves like, squat, flat bench and deadlift for increased mass.
Cardio for definition and I'm there.
See you in the gym!