2005/11/15, 01:04 PM
Welcome to FT Liv. You'll find lots of useful info and tons of supportive individuals here, but it all come down to you. A first easy step is to get the "sweet things" out of the house, they won't do you or your family any good. Second is have a good look at what your eating, even record it for a few weeks. Spend lots of time browsing this site and educate yourself on what nutritious healthy eating means. Third...start exercising. You will be sore in the beginning, but it goes away, you just have to stick with it!
There are no miracle cures here, just lost of good information and support to help you along. It takes time and dedication, but the rewards are worth it!!
Good Luck!
-------------- Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
2005/11/15, 07:42 AM
Hi Guys,
I'll try not to be too drawn out in my into, but I would like to give you all a bit of background as to how I have ended up here.
I am a 29 year old proffessional,married mother of 2 girls currently a stay at home Mum.
I have never really been skinny as such, a normal child I grew a little chubby through my teenage years enough to have the occasional comment from some rude kid. Certainly not enough to start me dieting or worrying about my weight. I am only short, 157cms, so my ideal weight is around 55-60kgs....this would put me in the 'slim' weight category. I am currently 85kgs, which my BMI works out to be OBESE>>> horriable word.
Anyway, I put on 10kgs between the ages of 18 and 22 and became around 65 kilos. Still considered slim, I was curvacious, and described as having 'meat on my bones'. After my first pregnancy (gaining nearly 30kgs) I lost about 10kg on a shake type diet, but could not get below 75kgs. However, it was better than nothing, and though I was now officially overweight, I still had good legs, and found clothes that were flattering and disguised the weight.
8 Months ago, I gave birth to my second child (nearly 4.5 years later) and put on even more weight.
A few months ago I jumped onto the scale to discover I was a staggering 87kgs. My clothes don't fit me anymore (even the fat girl ones I have set aside for bad days) and I have often been told what a shame it is that a pretty girl like me has 'let myself go'.
I have 4 sisters, and they are all slim but all play sport and are active.
I'm far from a couch potato with 2 children to run around after, however I am not a sporting type and have never bothered with exercise. I recently went back onto a diet, and lost 6kgs, and put 4 back on.
So, I went out and bought some Tae Bo DVDs, but after doing them (where I nearly die from exaustion) I am in absolute agony for 2 days afterwards, making my goal of doing them every day near impossible.
I live in a very isolated area, so I don't have access to any kind of gym or fitness centre, I don't even have any neighbors I could walk with.
I also binge eat daily. We have a house of wholesome food, very little processed rubbish, I just have huge problems with sweet things (bikkies, cake and chocolate) and binging.
So, this is about the 5th site I have visited, I hope this one has what I need to do this.
Oh, and just for the record.... I was also a 50 a day smoker up until I was 3 months pregnant with my 2nd baby. I smoked since I was 13, nearly 14 years, and very heavily. I have not put a cigarette in my mouth since I gave up when I was 3 months pregnant. I think this has also had an impact on my weight.
Well, that's about it, I look forward to getting to know you all, and if you have any advice please don't hesitate to help me!!!
Thanks heaps