Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/11/25
United States
2005/11/25, 10:44 AM
Hey all I'm about 5'8", I love to workout and be healthy, but basically i got depressed and with emotional eating I gained about 50 pounds. I finally got out of that crap rut, and began to play rugby at school. I was loving it! Losing weight, having fun, feeling good, kicking some ass- but during the last game I ended up going out with a knee injury... torn ACL and meniscus. Basically all I am allowed to do now before surgery is walk, lift and ride a stationary bike. I want to lose weight and get stronger before surgery so I won't have a difficult time with the recovery process.
Anyway, story aside, I just wanted to say hi!!!