2005/12/18, 09:15 AM
first things first, hows your diet? get on to eating clean carbs, fats and proteins.. these are going to sustain higher energy levels and help you drop the fat. cut out BAD fatty foods (ie trans fats and saturate to an extent, keep the good fats like mono and polyunsaturated, but still use them sparingly), and drop useless carbs (ie sugar, syrups, sauces, etc.). if you're up to it, you can track your daily calories, and have a specific target to your goals. i find this is a great way to stay on track, just requires alot of dedication.
seeing as how you are just getting into a workout regime, i would suggest picking up one of the ones freetrainers offers. these are great ways for beginners (im assumung you are a beginner, no offense) to start working out the proper wy, and reap the rewards. it also gives you time to research on your own anything you are interested in, whether its targeting a specific part of your body, cardio mechanics, etc.
theres alot of supplement talk going around these forums. dont feel pressured to take anything, especially if you are just starting out. a clean diet and a multivitamin should suffice for now.. later on down the road you can introduce protein, creatine, etc. or whatever you feel you need. go ahead and look into that stuff.. it does help.
rest. alot of people downplay the importance of rest. this is when your body rebuilds the damage you have caused in the gym. again, dont feel pressured to be having to do something ALL the time to lose weight. be sure to get a minimum of 8 hours a sleep at night, and leave your body enough time to rebuild and repair between workouts. the FT plans are well designed, and will keep your workouts on track.
i know this probably sounds like alot, but it all comes naturally. i found that when i started working out, the diet and other healthful tips just fell into my regime au natural. just focus on cleaning up your diet, and adopting a regular workout program. track your progress (ie a journal to bring to the gym, write out what you are doing, etc.) its been proven that writing out your goals and progress shows marked improvement in sticking to them and performance (thank you coaching 3MO3). ok thats alot of typing, so i better get ready to go to the gym. good luck, i hope this gives you a start, and any other qquestions you have, theres oodles of experienced individuals here specifically to help.