Group: Specific Diets & Nutrition

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 104, Messages: 22775

With so many diets and nutritional plans out there, you can get lost. Find out what works best for others and share your experiences!

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Weekend Eating Sprees

Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2001/01/28, 12:20 PM
Is this OK to do”

I diet Monday - Friday week eating very high amounts of protein. My carb intake is about 30% of my diet while fats are around 5% I never eat more then 2400 calories a day. I perform 25 minutes of cardio (cycling) every morning (4:00 am). I perform a split 4 routine never working the same muscle in one week. A typical workout takes me about 1-1/2 – 2 hours. But when Saturday and Sunday comes around I eat everything in site. For instance a typical Saturday would be 3 eggs for breakfast, 3 Bud Drafts w/ 12 Hot Wings w/ a side of fries w/ gravy for Lunch, Supper would consist of 4 pieces of pizza and a couple bread sticks, and a late night snake would be an additional 3 pieces of pizza. not to forget to mention I drink a 2-litter bottle of diet Pepsi throughout the day. Sunday is not as a bad but I do eat alot.

Through the week I’m strict and work very hard but when the weekend comes around I feel as if I’m cheating myself.

Is this OK to do?

Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2001/01/28, 12:24 PM
Please over look any spelling and grammar mistakes since I don't take the time proofread what I post.

Posts: 73
Joined: 2000/12/05
2001/01/28, 10:13 PM
hey... i can definitely relate to your weekend eating sprees.. i do the same thing.. although i must say all the pizza you eat is quite a lot!! But is it still working for you??
Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2001/01/29, 06:31 PM
If your asking me if the FT program is working I would have to say YES.
Posts: 320
Joined: 2000/12/30
United States
2001/01/28, 11:35 PM
Whats your b/f? You shouldn't go to far over board, but considering your carb reduction during the week i'm surprised you have any energy to lift at all.
If your happy with your appearance thats all that matters. But if your not then you know where to start cleaning up your diet at.

Posts: 389
Joined: 2001/01/25
Saudi Arabia
2001/01/29, 04:28 AM

I wouldn't drink that much has a lot of sugar in it...I eliminated soft drinks along time ago...I sub them with water drinking over 10 glasses a is ok I personally can't live with out them...
Posts: 39
Joined: 2000/12/15
United States
2001/01/30, 12:59 PM
TO a point, yes. I allow my self two meals One on saturday and one on suday where I stray from my diet. On saturday it is usually break fast, and on sunday it is supper with the In laws (who believe that bacon grease in a major food group and the only form of seasoning!)

Allowing oneself one or two cheat meals a week makes it easier to follow that diet the rest of the week.

As for you're diet during the week it is o.k. to eat more food (the good stuff) as long as your not adding fat or sugar to your diet.

Also, Since you are exercising, your body is going to need more FUEL therefore, feed the need. You'll still lose body fat, no matter how many good calories you eat. The calorie myth is slowly being seen for it's flaws.
