2006/01/11, 07:30 PM
-Barbell Deadlifts or Shrugs(12*,10,8,6)
-Pull-Ups/Pulldowns or Chin Ups(12*,10,8,6)
-Rows(cable, t,barbell, db)(12*,10,8,6)
-EZ-bar curls(12*,10,8,6)
-Barbell Shoulder Presses(12*,10,8,6)
-Incline Barbell Presses(12*,10,8,6)
-Close Grip Bench Press(12*,10,8,6)
-Squats(12*,10,8,6)....go down as deep as you can....butt to calves is best
-Stiff Legged Deadlifts(12*, 10,8, 6)
-Calve Raises(12*, 10,8,6)....pause at top and bottom for 2 sec.....
*=30-50% for light warm up...
step up your protein intake to 1.5g per lb....3g of carbs per lb...1/4g per lb in healthy fats.....your total caloric intake should be 500-1000 calories above maintenance.....pick healthy nutritional choices....no junk food at all.....1 gal of water daily.....