2006/01/15, 03:22 PM
Hello! I am a new member here, but have been working out on and off for years. I am getting ready to switch up my workout plan and need some expert advice. I am working for the long lean muscle look. I want the quickest results. Is it better to do total body weight training 'x' times a week, or should i do groups of muscles 6 times a week? or should i divide it up into upper body and lower body alternating days? I don't mind putting in the time (i also am planning in my daily schedule an hour cardio most days), i just don't want my effots to be fruitless. any guidance?
just a side note...i do eat right (no refined sugars or flours) and am athletic, so i am beyond a beginners level. I am just trying to figure out the most effective approach.
thanks for your help and advice,
2006/01/15, 07:51 PM
Hey Molly,
Welocome to ft!
Fill out your profile and more people will answer your posts.
Work on heavy weights, compound movements 3-4 days a week and add some extra cardio, in the form of HIIT if you aren't already doing it.
Long, lean muscles will be a function of genetics - the longer your limbs and the farther apart your attachment points, the longer look to the muscle. As you get leaner, you will also sort of 'squeeze' the fat out of the muscles and they will look less bulky. many women complain about getting 'bulky' muscles, when the reality is that they haven't pushed themselves hard enough yet to get the fat out and get the leaner look.
Your diet will playa major role in this, as well.
If you want more specific help, post your current routine, bodyfat %, and meal plan and I am sure people will help you adjust it all towards your goals.
-------------- I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.
- Henry David Thoreau
2006/01/16, 07:15 AM
why do you want a routine that gives you the fastest results?....are you trying to get fit for some event?
2006/01/17, 03:52 PM
In the beginning, I think an upper/lower 2 day split with more cardio would be more effective and then after you have been in the gym for a while, and don't get as sore as you once did from the weight training, I would split into a 3-4 day split with the same amount of cardio, or just a touch lower. Either way good luck.
2006/01/17, 08:29 PM
If your in the gym only 2 days, I would say go full body.
-------------- Pain is only temporary, it is in your mind. If you can still walk, then you can still run.
Quoting from 7707mutt:
The squat cage is holy ground.
2006/01/19, 09:58 PM
hi, thanks for all your posts!
to answer some questions...
not training for anything in particular, just trying to trim up.
i am not new to the gym, and i definately go more than twice a week, i was just looking for some advice on how to shake things up a bit. i feel like i am uncertain if i am being as productive as i could be. Right now, i am rotating a 3 day program. arms/shoulders, back/chest, legs. Every day gets cardio, about 50 minutes. So, was wondering if i should go to an upper/lower every other day, or keep rotating groups of muscles? or should i do whole body every other day? Should i be doing heavier weights at about 12 reps, or lighter weight at more reps? Aggg! so many ways to go.
thanks for your guidance.
2006/01/20, 01:42 AM
I think it's best to do a mix of TBT focusing on a different compound exercises every workout....
Pull Ups
Milirary Presses
Close Grip Bench Press
Chin Ups