2001/04/23, 01:40 AM
Hi. i am 19 male. I have no idea what to eat. I know i need protein and stuff like that but what.
2001/04/23, 08:40 AM
have you checked out 'Nutrition Program' on the menu on the left here? Go to it, enter your goals and you will get a complete breakdown of what you need. Then build your daily meals and follow the guidelines..
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/04/23, 01:14 PM
It might be easier to say what you shouldn't eat. Things like, processed sugar, pastries, fried foods(especialy deep fried), fastfood, soads, foods made with processed ingredients, like white flour,ect. These types of foods can be eaten but you shouldn't make a habit of them, rather use as treats from time to time. If it flyes, swims, or runs, it's protein. Eat that sucker, baked, boiled, broiled, steamed, panfried(very little oil), grilled, or nuked, lean cuts. If it grows above or below the ground, it's carbs & fiber, eat it as described above, but you can add raw to the list. Don't forget eggs in the protein catagory. Fats are neede to an extent also, but most Americans get plenty of that. Skim milk, but take it easy on the dairy products.
2001/05/02, 06:55 PM
Skel, when you say .. (Skim milk, but take it easy on the dairy products) ...
What exactly do you mean ?
Just asking cause i drink tons of skim milk , and that caught my attention...
2001/05/01, 10:21 AM
Arnold's right. Here's an example of my breakfast diet: - 12 eggs (whites seperated, 2 w/yolk) micro. - 2 bananas (high potassium) - 1 cup dry oats - 1 baked potatoe (season it!) - small coffee or tea
2001/05/03, 12:39 PM
Here is an example Breakfast. 8 egg whites. 1 cup oats without sugar 3 bananas 28oz Veggie Juice Tablespoon flaxseed Oil. 27 grams Protein supplement. 5g Creatine
Midmorning Snack: 8-Egg Whites 1-Banana 18oz Water
Late Morning: 1 31gram Protein Bar 18oz Water
Lunch: 2 Chicken Breast 1/3 cup oatmeal 1 Oven Baked Sweet Potato 32 oz of water
The main thing to do is avoid the fat and eat as much protein as possible and make sure you are getting good carbs. See FT’s Tips for the run down on Simple and Complex Carbohydrates. Remember your body can't absorb more than 32 carbs at one time. I may be off a little on the number but I know I'm pretty close.
2001/05/01, 01:02 PM
Remember one thing. Enjoy what you are eating as well. Pick those items that are healthy but that you are going to enjoy as well. I believe that physical and mental health are closely tied, so if you eat things that affect your outlook or that you don't enjoy, you will be less apt to follow your guidelines. Personally, I do not eat whatever I want but I choose those items high in the nutrients I need that I know I will enjoy eating. The nutirtion program will definitely help you with that.
2001/05/02, 10:05 AM
The 4 guys before me sound like they know what they are talking about. I noticed they didn't talk about calaries. I hate to try and count calaries but it is important to watch them . I have been with EAS for a little while and they go on portion size. A portion is the size of your fist and the palm of your hand. It worked for me. You might want to check out Body for life and Hussman.com/eas. I like the program here at FT, it's more personel. They take a better intrest in your training.
2001/05/02, 12:46 PM
One thing i always do is on a Sunday steam aload of veg,brown rice and chicken and just throw it in the fridge.The great thing about this is,if you get a craving and you want something quick......there you go,simple!
2001/06/07, 12:51 PM
Have eggs,bananas,carbs.Try having around 10 eggs(white),400ml milk,7-8 bananas.It would have been easy for me 2 advice had u specified your goal.