2006/02/01, 10:32 PM
hi truth, to analyze your daily intake, first you gotta make a 'database' of all that you eat, in other words, a 'food basket'.
so, hit add a meal, and then add a food, which will take you to the drop-down food list according to category. simply selet category, and enter food item besides it.
for e.g, select 'dairy and egg products' and type 'milk'. this will show all types of milk products. select the one you want, add it to your food basket, from where you can add it to your meal. presto! you are done! your food basket of commonly consumed foods wont be deleted. so once you make it, adding items to your meals from it will be quick and easy.
and you can seperately calorie-count each meal as you ate by designating them as meal 1, 2, 3....
hope this was helpful