Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

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new here, and some questions

Posts: 174
Joined: 2006/02/04
United States
2006/02/04, 09:45 PM
hi all, i'm new to these forums (and weight training - started 2 months ago).

basic info:
177 lbs
26 years old
working out for 2 months now
been eating low-fat, low-carb meals (fish, chicken, egg whites, etc)

i had a few questions. my personal nutrition calculator says i should be consuming 177 grams of protein. that seems like an awful lot. even with my servings of tuna/salmon (40g), yogurt(15g), protein supplement (35g), and chicken breast(30g), i still have a long way to go to hit 177 grams (57 more grams!). that seems like an incredible amount of protein, seeing as how that's just about all i eat every meal, and i'm still not at that level.

it also has 400+ grams of carbs. again, it seems incredibly high. i probably consume about 2000 calories a day, which i know is low for my age/weight (should be 3000+). and i have been staying away from carbs because i've been trying to burn fat. i'm no nutritionist, but these numbers scare me.

when i was younger, i was one of those people who could eat anything and not gain a pound. but now that i'm older, my metabolism has definitely slowed down, and i have to consume a lot less just to maintain some state of well being. i've been working out for 2 months, on a 2 day on, one day off cycle, alternating muscles groups on each work out day. i'm seeing some improvement, but i don't seem to be getting rid of much fat. the only place i really have fat is my lower stomach, and there's a lot of it. the rest of my body is very lean for the most part.

anyhow, hello to all... and any advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2002/01/09
United States
2006/02/04, 10:25 PM
Welcome to FT. Your post would take a couple of hours to respond to properly so I'll suggest the easy way out (for me) and suggest you browse the boards for a couple of days and I'd think you'll find where you're going wrong. :) Fats and carbs aren't the enemy, you just need to find a balance. The protein recommendations are right on. Check out the various thumb tack posts. Most of your anwers are there.

in Pensacola Now.
Posts: 174
Joined: 2006/02/04
United States
2006/02/05, 02:54 AM
i've done quite a bit of browsing on these boards, but there's a lot of conflicting information. i just don't see how i'm going to be able to meet the nutritional requirements above without relying heavily on supplements. with so much focus being on diet when it comes to burning fat, i'm really at a loss now for what to do. i need to upgrade my calories, protein and carbs significantly, based on the nutrition calculator, and this is supposed to help me somehow burn more fat. no one follows the calorie intake vs calorie expendature rule any more?
Posts: 1,299
Joined: 2003/09/23
United States
2006/02/05, 06:39 AM
adalos, as mike pointed, this is one of those questions that gets asked alot and has been answered in great detail. I suggest reading thru "diet thread" in the spefic diet and nutrition fOrum.
The reason things may seem conflicting to you is because it depends on what your goal is. It sounds like your trying to lose that last little bit everyone struggles with around your mid-section. This is the last place for the weight to come off. This is where the diet really has to be well planned. Just try to remember, sometimes you have to read thru things more than once for them to really start making sense to you. And with as much as their is to take in it can seem overwhelming. Trust me though, you'll be able to sort it out and use it to your advantage. Just give it time.
Bottom line is, you need to get yourself on a consistant diet and stay on it strictly for a week. Eat the same every day. Weigh yourself again at the end of the week. If you lose weight, increase your calories for the next few days by about 200-300, if you gain, decrease by about 200-300. Do this until you get to where you don't gain or lose, you'll then be at your maintenance level.(starting point) From there you can take yourself where ever you want.
Get to this point and things will be alot easier for you.
Do some searches here on protein intake, caloric intake, complex/simple carbs, efa's, pre-workout meal, post workout meal, etc. Everything you need is literally at your fingertips. Best of luck to you and welcome to FT!

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