2006/02/23, 11:54 AM
Your hips naturally widen when you have a baby....If you have gained fat overall then you will need to tweek your diet and exercise (resistance and cardio) program
2006/02/23, 11:22 AM
Hi, I had a baby 7 months ago, and my hips just grew! I'm 5'7, 147 lbs. I'm fairly slim. I've read many posts stating you should do cardio to reduce your overall fat and slim down your hips. But I'm already pretty slim, I just have large hips...any ideas?? PLEASE
2006/02/23, 12:20 PM
Gotta go with what lonegirl said. Unless you gained a lot of weight with your pregnancy, and have yet to lose it, the wider hips are just a part of childbirth, and won't ever "shrink" back to the size they were.
2006/02/25, 06:54 PM
I have to concur...your pelvic basket stretches during pregnancy and birth and there is no way to reduce that...so you end up with big hips...reducing the fat on them,however will help