2006/02/25, 03:31 PM
I'm having a huge problem. I have been stuck at the same weight for 5-6 months now; especially in the shoulders and chest.
This was my workout split; Monday: chest, tri, Tues: back, bi, Thurs: Legs, Fri: Shoulders.
My shoulders always felt tired; when I work my chest, my shoulders are the first to go, but I feel like I can lift more with my chest. I decided to cut my reps down during shoulder exercises, switch between db presses, military presses and even machine presses. I've tried everything I have read on this site. I swithced up my routine a couple of times: going from differing muscle groups (ex: chest and bi, back and tri) to push and pull. I even took a week off (current) and am due to start back up on Monday, but my shoulders still feel tired. Honestly, I forgot how it feels like to have 'fresh' shoulders.
I decided to take action because after keeping a log of my workout for the last 4 weeks, I noticed that one week I would lift a good amount, but every week after, my performance decreased: especially with the shoulders and chest.
I don't want to miss any more time from the gym, but don't want to end -up wasting another 5-6 months. Should I rest more, work out everything but my shoulders, I'm confused...
Should I go lighter for a while on shoulder day? Maybe 3 sets of 10 instead of 10, 8 , 6...???
Please help me... I am getting so discouraged...
Thank you.
What should I Do? Any suggestions?
Please give me your feedback; I have
2006/02/26, 02:18 PM
try to shock your muscles into new growth.....shoulders are hard to work bc there is a limited amount of exercises. when i do shoulders ill do supersets or even tri-sets and giant sets (ex upright rows, lateral raises, and reverse chest flys for tri-sets). you could also try doing drop sets or maybe start your work out with isolation exercises and then move to your compound movements to create a "pre exhaust" workout. if u want to grow and get stronger then u have to bring up the intensity of your workouts. vary the way you do your sets every 2-3 wks. you could even try going till failure just to keep your intensity high...but do not sacrifice good form for more reps.
2006/03/04, 12:45 PM
Thanks 2muchjoo4u.
Anyone else have a comment? This is so frustrating for me. I don't think it is my intensity; I train fierce; especially the shoulders, but everytime I work the shoulders, on the very first set it feels like I have just completed a set prior... And this is for every shoulder workout.
My max has dropped about 10-15 pounds, but that doesn't bother me anymore; I just want to be able to have fresh-feeling shoulders on shoulder (and even chest day).
Here is my new routine I just started this week:
Monday: Shoulders (Military press, front raise, lat raise, reverse fly's) Tri (seated db ext, skullcrusher)
Tuesday: Back (lat pull down, cg pull down, bent over bbell rows, one arm db rows)
Thursday: Legs (Squats, leg presses, leg ext, ham curls, calf raises)
Friday: Chest (decline, incline, flat BP; flat db fly's) Bi (ez bar arm curl, alt db curl, straight bar curl)
> Can you critique my new routine and
> Will it aid my shoulders to give it 3-days rest before chest day?
Any other suggestions?
Thank you...
2006/03/04, 02:10 PM
After feeling my shoulders, it's the anterior deltoids that have the most pain.
On shoulder day (this coming Monday) should I skip the front raises and go light on the military presses?
2006/03/04, 03:57 PM
ok heres the thing.....your shoulders are smaller muscles....not major ones. maybe you r over training them a bit. try to work them in on a day when you train a major muscle....( i do myne with back) and do no more than 8-10 sets for your shoulders. i would say that if they are sore....give them a week off and gradually start training them again...especially if they are affecting the rest of your weeks workouts. just a suggestion though. good luck!!