Group: Women's Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 528, Messages: 10844

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Lumpy thighs and upper arms

Posts: 2
Joined: 2006/03/09
2006/03/09, 05:06 PM
A few years ago I lost 25 pounds using weight loss herbs and a better diet. I did not increase my exercise routine...just walked every day and yoga and pilates.

My thighs and upper arms became thinner but lumpy. More than the orange peel cellulite look. It is lumpy!
In the meantime I have had an illness that kept me from walking so I re gained 20 pounds. Still lumpy but fatter now as well.

My health is back so I can do stuff to get rid of this. What can I do? I would love advice.

Posts: 391
Joined: 2005/02/11
United States
2006/03/19, 11:46 PM
I think if you added resistance training to your workout that it may help.