2006/03/16, 12:36 AM
Ok, so I've been doing a LOT of research on various different supplements and have narrowed down my search to a few I'm considering which seem like the right thing for me. Up to this point I've just read the forum and never posted so here is a little background info:
I'm 6' 4", 190lbs, 18 years old, and am counting calories to get more definition. The problem is that I work out like crazy (intense 1h 30 min work out every day switching between upper body and lower body) and don't see much gain in mass OR definition which is starting to bother me. I'm trying to get my body fat percentage down so I get definition on my abs (I'm at 12% and still not there yet even though I work my abs out until I can't anymore). The problem is that at the same time I'm trying to put on some lean muscle mass and the two goals seem to be in conflict with each other. I get tired very easily when working out and my skimpy diet isn't helping out either. I lift heavy weights with an average of 3 sets and 8-12 reps at the most to gain more mass and no result. Another issue is my joint/tendon/ligament/idontknowwhatelse problem. I get very acute pains on my shoulder that run down the length of my triceps and it doesn't feel like muscular pain. My doctor has described this as possibly being caused due to unstable shoulders that x-rays have shown my shoulders possess similar characteristics of. I have stopped any form of strenuous shoulder exercises including any form of benching or other chest work out (since they usually put the shoulder under a lot of pressure) for that reason. He also recommended in addition to that to work out my shoulders everyday with a number of different exercises utilizing low weights and high reps and I've followed through with that. I have noticed an increased in strength but not a decrease in pain. Now the real question is, after researching a number of different products I have read that the following products could help me in such areas:
Protein - muscle build up (duhhh!)
Creatine - endurance/energy
cAMP - energy/fat loss
Cissus - tendon,ligament, and joint pain relief/recovery
HMB - lean mass gain/fat loss/prevent cell damage
Arginine - NO2 substitute, as I've heard bad things about it
Glucosomine - tendon,ligament,joint pain relief/recovery
Choindroitin - tendon,ligament,joint pain relief/recovery
MSM - tendon,ligament,joint pain relief/recovery
Celadrin - tendon,ligament,joint pain relief/recovery
BCAA - lean muscle mass retention/prevent catabolism
Carnitine - fat loss/reducte muscle breakdown
Glutamine Peptide - prevent catabolism/fat loss/recovery
ESA (Flax Seed Oil, etc.)- tendon,ligament,joint pain relief
Taurine - reduce muscle breakdown/lean muscle mass gain
Keep in mind I already do ingest a good 150g of protein and am just looking for the best way to do it and also take omega-3 + "one a day" multivitamin (pretty weak i know). I would GREATLY appreciate it if somebody could walk me through this on what to take, when to take it, how much to take, and what to stack. All this research has scramble my brains into a least desirable stew =P