Group: Experienced Exercise

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Need serious training help

Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/02/22
United States
2006/03/20, 08:53 AM
Hi my last 3 months of lifting has been piss poor and i need help getting back on track. so ill try to describe to u the last three months where my problem has started.

Month 1 i trained 6 days a week all upper body(2 days eachs for back, shoulders, and chest and tris) and put roughly 20 pounds on my bench bringing it up from 235 8 reps to 255 8 reps. however no size gain

Month 2- trained 4 days a week(added legs back) and started using supplements for first time(protein,gakic, and leukic)This is when i started to have severe sleeping problems. I had no noticebale gain on my bench. I did however put 5lbs of wieght on and i was looking pretty good so i chalked this up to me just being tired when i worked out.

took a week off

Month 3(this is when my problem started)- trained 4 days a week(also added excercises concentrating on biceps for 1st time) I started bulking this month and went from 3000 cals a day to 4000(doubled my protien intake) and used creatine for first time. 3 weeks into this month i have put on 5 lbs but i have noticable trimmed up. my abs are much more defined but it almost looks like my arms shrunk(this is not good when i was attempting a dirty bulk)

any ideas on why this is happening

my only idea is that on somenights I am sleeping lil to none
Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/02/22
United States
2006/03/20, 09:20 AM
in general my apperance the last month has really just gone to hell(my muscles just dont feel as hard either)
Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/02/22
United States
2006/03/20, 09:51 AM
also im 6 2(alil over) and was a pretty toned 194 but other then my abs i am kinda of losing it
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2006/03/20, 10:20 AM
So, what is your question, exactly?

You were overtraining in the first month, and possibly in the second month, IMO.

Your arms will measure smaller when you lean out because you also lose fat from within the muscles and around the muscles, but the definition should make them appear visually larger, does that make sense?

At 6'2" i am guessing you have a hard time adding mass? Are you an ectomorph? Do you tend to have a high metabolism?

If it seems that the supplements are interfering with your sleep patterns, cut them out and add them in one at a time, so you can see how each individual affects you.

Sleep problems can be a sypmtom of overtraining, as well.

Where did you get your training routine and are you on a specific preiodization plan or are you just guessing at intervals and randomly training?


If you have a strong enough why you can bear almost any how.
- Nietzsche
Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/02/22
United States
2006/03/20, 11:08 AM
Here allow me to better expalin this.

I feel that i have lost a significant amount of muscle mass and it has been replaced by fat. I would like to know what could cause this in a relitively short period of time.

I personally believe that due to my lack of sleep it has cause my workouts to suffer which caused some muscle loss and since i was trying to bulk i added fat.

What confuses me though is the fact that i am eating healthier then normal and have added many of the core supplements to my diet(protien, creatine, zma). And since i am still working out has hard as i can should i have any muscle loss?

The way to best describe my feeling of loss of muscle is that while my chest and arms used to be hard and toned they are now a little bit softer and gained fat.

At 6 2 and 190 to begin with i had little fat on me and this is the first time i have ever been showing fat in my life. Which is frustrating due to the fact that i am actually finally eating a healthy diet.