Group: Experienced Exercise

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freetrainers leg routine

Posts: 4
Joined: 2006/03/27
United Kingdom
2006/03/27, 07:48 AM
hi the free trainers site gave me this routine.. for my legs..

Machine squats 4 X 16, 12, 8, 6
Front squats (as above)
Stiff legged deadlifts (as above)
donkey calf raises (as above)

the thin ig i do not have barbells in my gym.. will a smith machine do for front squats?

and for donkey calf raises i do nothave that machine so wud it be ok to do the calves on a smith machine while my feet are on a stepper?

please reply back. ioh and how much weigth sahould i use?
2006/03/29, 05:50 AM
you can do this exercises with dumbells...although you can't go quite as heavy....for general conditioning and getting in shape it should be ok...

smith machine is a poor man's version of anything....can u use it? Yes...Is it anywhere near effective as free weight? NO....

Yes you can do donkey calf raises on a smith or with DBs..

You pick weight that allows you to do the given reps with 0-1 reps left in the tank...
Posts: 4
Joined: 2006/03/27
United Kingdom
2006/03/29, 07:33 AM
so you can do smith machine squats and front squats with dumbells? im not so sure lol. u can do squats i know that, dunno bout front squats. smith machine is only option at my gym maybe will have to change soon.

looking good on the pics menace!
2006/03/29, 04:02 PM
why can't u do front squats with dumbells? just hold them in front off the crooks of your elbows....hugging each DB ...
Posts: 4
Joined: 2006/03/27
United Kingdom
2006/03/30, 08:53 AM
that sounds weird mate hugging dumbells lol..

i mean could you just pretend you were using a barbell instead? but dumbells?

tell me you leg building rountine.. oh and calf as well
Posts: 1,299
Joined: 2003/09/23
United States
2006/03/30, 06:41 PM
Read thru his "workout log-continued from 8 week challenge" in the powerlifting forum.

Hungry and mean!