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Joined: 2004/05/04 ![]() |
2006/04/06, 10:34 AM
This is almost like a snicker thread but it's pretty serious to me. In fact, apparently this affects a lot of men 30+.
I'm about to get back into training for the positive effects. I've been away from the gym for about a year and it's taken its toll on my sanity (I think). I'm not "diagnosed" with anything, but I (only recently)suffer from mild depression, anxiety, weird weight gain, lack of confidence, and in a far more serious way: lack of libido :(, lack of drive, lack of "positive agression". I was searching the 'net for information on "decreased libido" (I'm only 30, and married) and ended up finding info on "testosterone deficiency", and then Tribulus. I came on the board and read a number of posts about the effects, side effects, effectiveness... etc. Sound good so far, or am I way off? My game plan is to get back to the gym and get at it! Since I'm starting back up, I guess I need some help to not do serious injury or "DOM myself out". My goal (believe it or not) is to get back to those "puke inducing squats" that will make my body produce Test. So what's the best way to get back in the game (in the gym and in the sack)? For now, I picked up a tribulus supplement (Ultra Tribestis 1500) and have made plans to hit the gym tonite. I wanted to post this because I bet there are others who suffer the same symptoms. This will be my documentary. Any help you can offer would be appreciated. D |
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Joined: 2003/09/23 ![]() |
2006/04/06, 02:21 PM
Another option you have is to go see your family Dr. and get a blood test to see if your actually low. If you are, you'll be prescribed testosterone. I would imagine it would be cheaper and more effective than the Tribulus as well.-------------- Hungry and mean! |
Joined: 2004/05/04 ![]() |
2006/04/06, 03:50 PM
good point
That was one of the recommendations online: "Get checked, there may be a bigger problem (like prostate cancer), and don't hesitate" D |
Joined: 2001/02/28 ![]() |
2006/04/07, 02:20 PM
If you are prescribed testosterone, think of the 'other' benefit: the potential gains when you workout. Doctors usually prescribe a dose to maintain normal levels. If you're low and seeing results in the gym, imagine the gains if your test levels are back to normal. Your libido will be back and you're going to look so physically attrative to your wife she won't be able to keep her hands off you.
That being said, get you butt to the doctor!! :) -------------- --JBennett "I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!" "Pain is only weakness leaving the body." "Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be." |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2006/04/08, 12:02 PM
Trib is very overrated for T...never lived up to the hype. You may experience a bit more "wood", but other than that, nothing.
You need to get a blood panel done. FSH, LH, total T, E, and other levels need to be checked. You could have a high conversion rate also. This is in fact a very serious topic, it is actually the male counterpart of female menopause, andropause. Female HRT has had the spotlight, due to many factors, one being reproduction so it is more noticeable, and another is how sudden it comes on. With males, it is a slow loss over time. Normal T peaks about 21-25, then declines around 1% per year(this is in the normal person, not hypogonadal). So it is slow loss and kind of creeps up. If you want to talk about this, email me. -------------- Strength and Honor! |
Joined: 2004/05/04 ![]() |
2006/04/10, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the feedback, and yeah, I'm making a doctor's appointment. I had a serious talk with my wife the day I bought the trib supplement. It was a serious talk, and in the end, she said "if you think that's the problem, then go see a doctor, BUT there are several other reasonable causes for this (she's a social worker :() like recent changes in our life, stress levels, and serious shortcomings in the recent past (Masters programs - hers and mine, job issues..etc)"
She doesn't believe me about "the way I do things" like major protein intake, hardcore workouts, build muscle to loose fat...etc (yet, she doesn't do any research or workout:surprised:), so her lack of faith - that I feel a difference, is not surprising. (Last time I went hardcore on the weights (about the time I joined this board) I made major gains in about 3 months aux naturale(like my shirts didn't fit), and she just told me I was getting too big.) (Is there such a thing?:surprised:) She recommend (this week) I go see a nutritionist to get "the real goods" about "how much protein I need, in grams etc". I say "the proof is in the pudding! That said, the positive thing is she bought me a killer mountain bike for my birthday. That'll help a bit. Thanks again. I'll let you know the doctor's report. Maybe it's all in my head:( |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2006/04/10, 01:40 PM
It is ironic, even normal endo's do not or choose not to recognize this as a problem in males.
Find a good doctor and get your blood panel done. Stress will indeed cause some of your problems, it can have a profound effect on everything from intamacy to attention span. So, analyze your situation... You know you can buy at most any pharmacy or on line saliva tests that will work somewhat to give levels. Not as accurate as blood tests of course, but you may think about it. Do an internet search, you will find plenty of them. -------------- Strength and Honor! |
Joined: 2001/02/28 ![]() |
2006/04/11, 12:18 PM
Here's an article I just read. As soon as I read it I thought of you, cdarwin68. Whether it helps or not, I don't know. It refers to men in their 60's, but the lower testosterone levels have to start sometime.
------------ The Male Menopause: a Real Health Issue Or Just a Myth of Middle- Age? Debate: Hrt for Men Debate: Hrt for Men Hormone Study Hit by Recruitment Problems 2006 April 03 By Judith Duffy Health Correspondent Newsquest Media Group IT was once seen as an excuse for middle-aged men buying a motorbike and ditching their wife but now experts are debating whether or not the male menopause exists. Supporters claim symptoms such as tiredness, irritability and lack of sex drive can be triggered by falling levels of the hormone testosterone in older men, with the condition affecting as many as 60-per cent of men in their 60s. However, others argue that the condition is a myth, with one American study concluding that being overweight or drinking too much could be to blame for the reported problems. The issue will be discussed tomorrow by hormone experts at the European Congress of Endocrinology, which is being held in Glasgow. New evidence will be presented which suggests the male menopause is much less common than is generally believed. A group of researchers from the University of Turku, in Finland, led by Professor Ilpo Huhtaniemi, tried to evaluate the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy in men, but had to abandon their trial when they couldn't find enough suitable candidates. Out of 16,000 men aged 40-70 who initially responded to a questionnaire to evaluate symptoms of the so-called andropause, 250 were found to have low testosterone levels. That dropped to just 37 when the researchers excluded those who had other conditions which might be responsible for symptoms. Researcher Dr Antti Perheentupa said that, while the criteria used for the Finnish trial had been very strict, the recruitment problems had not been anticipated. He said: "Once we had eliminated other factors, there were not enough men who would have benefited to allow the study to continue. "This seems to indicate that a genuine andropause may be quite rare, certainly not as common as people imagine." Perheentupa said that there was concern that men were increasingly being prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat the condition without being checked for other diseases. He also pointed out that little research has been done to assess the possible benefits or ill-effects of the treatment. Dr Ian Banks, president of the Men's Health Forum, agreed there should be a cautious approach to HRT. He said: "We just do not know yet if the testosterone that you give them will either stimulate existing prostate cancer or indeed cause prostate cancer to form in the first place that hasn't really been researched or sorted out yet." Banks added that there were fears that HRT for men was being promoted because it was a "money- spinner" for drug companies. Yet others insist the UK is lagging behind other countries in recognising the scale of the problem and insist HRT for men is safe and effective. Dr Malcolm Carruthers, president of the Society for the Study of Androgen Deficiency, who also runs a private London andropause clinic, claimed up to 60-per cent of men in their 60s suffered from symptoms of the male menopause. He argues that doctors should be listening more to what patients are going through, rather than relying on routine tests to measure testosterone which may not necessarily detect the problem. He added: "The classic picture is an irritable, sweaty, depressed man with erection problems. Who wants to live with that?" CASE STUDY IAN McDONALD, 69, from Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, began having symptoms of andropause nine years ago. After repeatedly being told he was "just getting older", he visited Dr Carruthers's clinic. He said: "I've always been hyperactive, getting up in the morning and looking for something to do. But I began to feel the opposite, everything was too much for me, it was like I had premenstrual tension every day of the month. "I was put on testosterone tablets and in three days I was walking down the street grinning from ear to ear. If I hadn't discovered testosterone replacement therapy I think I'd have gone mad." Copyright: (C) 2006 The Sunday Herald. via ProQuest Information and Learning Company; All Rights Reserved -------------- --JBennett "I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!" "Pain is only weakness leaving the body." "Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be." |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2006/04/13, 06:14 PM
Don't have to be in your 60's either. Test levels peak from 21-25, and drop on average 1% in normal males per year. It is a gradual drop, this is a reason for it not being in the forefront like womens hormones..it is more of a sudden thing.
You can be either primary or secondary hypogonadal at almost any age. Secondary is most common. -------------- Strength and Honor! |
Joined: 2003/09/23 ![]() |
2006/04/13, 09:04 PM
This is where being tested for your FSH and LH levels are important, correct. Hypogonadal is a result of your pituitary gland not producing them anymore or not enough. Am I right? What's the differance between primary and secondary?-------------- She sits and wonders why.....no more. |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2006/04/13, 09:32 PM
Hypogonadism itself can be defined as a bioavailable testosterone serum concentration of 72 ng/dL or less.
Secondary hypogonadism, is evidenced by a low testosterone and bioavailable testosterone and a low or low normal LH concentration. Primary is basically total primary testicular failure. -------------- Strength and Honor! |
Joined: 2003/09/23 ![]() |
2006/04/13, 09:41 PM
Hope I never have primary...or secondary for that matter.-------------- She sits and wonders why.....no more. |
Joined: 2003/09/23 ![]() |
2006/04/13, 09:43 PM
Are both treatable?-------------- She sits and wonders why.....no more. |
Joined: 2009/02/21 ![]() |
2009/02/21, 12:28 AM
I was having this Andropause condition since I hit the age of 52. I noticed my desire for sex had greatly diminished and I was alarmed. I had many of the outward signs of the condition but was not aware of it, until I met a herbalist friend.
He introduced me to a herb called Eurycoma Longifolia Jack also know as Tongkat Ali and also by the name Pasak Bumi. I was at first skeptical but after he showed me the literature and his consumption of it, I believed and trusted him. I consumed this extract for several days and miraculously I began to notice that I had regained my 'youth' again. In short the herbal substance was also an aphrosisiac. He strongly advised me against homonal replacement theraphy (HRT) as it has many side effects. Becareful there are many web sites which offer the same product but they have hidden substances which is detrimental to your health. It is safest to have a knowledgeable person to guide you on the intake of such potent herbs. Dino Merino ============ Quoting from cdarwin68: This is almost like a snicker thread but it's pretty serious to me. In fact, apparently this affects a lot of men 30+. I'm about to get back into training for the positive effects. I've been away from the gym for about a year and it's taken its toll on my sanity (I think). I'm not "diagnosed" with anything, but I (only recently)suffer from mild depression, anxiety, weird weight gain, lack of confidence, and in a far more serious way: lack of libido :(, lack of drive, lack of "positive agression". I was searching the 'net for information on "decreased libido" (I'm only 30, and married) and ended up finding info on "testosterone deficiency", and then Tribulus. I came on the board and read a number of posts about the effects, side effects, effectiveness... etc. Sound good so far, or am I way off? My game plan is to get back to the gym and get at it! Since I'm starting back up, I guess I need some help to not do serious injury or "DOM myself out". My goal (believe it or not) is to get back to those "puke inducing squats" that will make my body produce Test. So what's the best way to get back in the game (in the gym and in the sack)? For now, I picked up a tribulus supplement (Ultra Tribestis 1500) and have made plans to hit the gym tonite. I wanted to post this because I bet there are others who suffer the same symptoms. This will be my documentary. Any help you can offer would be appreciated. D ============= -------------- http://tongkatali.synthasite.com |