Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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2006/12/11, 12:55 AM
Sitting One Legged Curls:(Machine)
80-10 reps
120-3+0 reps
140-1+0 reps

-forgot to add these...
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2006/12/11, 11:39 AM
Dude, that hub lift is bad ass. Keep it up.

Iron and chalk.
Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2006/12/12, 02:21 PM
2006/12/15, 01:38 AM
12/14/06 7:40pm

400mg caffeine+60mg pseudoephedrine+12.5mg ephedrine

-was tired as a dog..60 hour weeks at work are draining me a bit...

bodyweight(220)-10 reps
+45-5 reps
+90-3 reps
+135-3 reps
+180-1 reps
+230-1+1 reps....failed on 2nd at the bottom

Pull Ups:
bodyweight-5 reps to chest
+45-3 reps

Chin Ups:
+90-1 rep
+140-1+1 reps...was about inch or two short of 2....
bodyweight-15+0 reps ...chin over the bar ....very clean reps...

right: BBE-1 cheat close+negative, #3-1 rep...felt like i closed it and held it shut but on video it appears not to be closed...not sure....BBSM-2+1 reps
left: BBSM-0+1 reps...thought i was doing BBGM....came within 1/16"....then realized it was BBSM....wasnt my best day on grippers that's for sure....hands were still sore...

cable rope crunches on pulldownstation:
50-20 reps
100-5 reps....2-3 sec pause at bottom
120-5 reps....2-3 sec pause
140-5+0 reps....2-3 sec pause....maybe had couple more...

9pm END....

started talking to couple people about some1's gripper left at the gym for a couple weeks(gym monitor thought it was mine but mine is with one of my friends)....HG200....gym monitor said it was tough...couldnt close it...another fairly muscular guy doing bodyweight dips gave it a try also in front of me came within 1/4 or worse of closing it...I then gave them my #3 for comparison....neither could even really move the handles...maybe just a smidge...perhaps new converts....we'll see...

-shot around bball for 40 minutes afterward...

- i got video of chin up with 140....only prob is that I pointed camera at the bar so u cant see the weight even tho i was deliberate at setting it up....with dips you can see 5 plates but barely the 5lb....#3 close is shaky....i thought it was closed but video is kinda blurry couldnt get the fkn 3 to show on the handle...the light kept reflecting of it....i will post them soon....all in all was good workout.....was planning on doing workout friday but I am prolly gonna go out with friends so decided to get it over with..
Posts: 1,054
Joined: 2003/06/14
United States
2006/12/15, 09:39 AM
I just now saw that you asked me how my training was going...haha sorry that was like 5 posts back...I'm a little slow sometimes. Anyways,

My elbow tendonitis was getting really bad (for some reason, tendonitis is a horrible problem for me..I have to be very careful about training alone). Anyways, my job at UPS has made it worse, especially when I continued training for the first couple months.

Now, it's been about a month since I've seriously trained. I've played bball about once a week, and I lift heavy boxes every day at work. The job hurts my back, knees, shoulders, and takes away a lot of needed sleep.

So, I'm quitting. Probly be startin a new job at the beginning of the year, and yesterday I bought a notebook to keep my workout logs. I've already got 15 weeks planned out and am psyched about it!

Now that I've taken over your thread, there's my life story :laugh: sorry

Mad props on your numbers (I can't believe I just said mad props).

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.
--Vince Lombardi
"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H. L. Hunt

2006/12/15, 04:45 PM
I know how that is. I hurt my elbow doing barbell curls about 3-4 years a bad case of tendinitis....had to take 2 weeks off.....but it helped a lot....

Dont you wish you could take 2 weeks off from your job? I bet that's what's aggravating it....but I am sure you'll get a lot stronger once you start training consistantly....

Thanks....I wasnt even planning on doing dips but people on sherdog asked me to post the vids of me doign I decided to do it...I was planning on doing ME Bench ...perhaps 405 for a double or go for a new PR at 425.....

I'll post it here also....only prob is that the files come out on avg of 100mg....i dont know how to convert it to smaller file without ruining the quality....I tried running my camera in avg or low quality and it comes off like crap.....that's why it will prolyl take me a lil bit to upload it to youtube....freaking #3 close came out to 147mgs ..most of it me trying to get the #3 to show on the handle which it barely did in one spot...LOL

ok enough rambling..
2006/12/16, 07:18 PM

here's the video of me doing weighted dip with +230 using chainbelt...

i think it's being processed right now by should be up shortly....i may post chin video later but it doesnt look that impressive because u cant see the weight...for all u know I was struggling my way to 2 bodyweight reps...LOL
2006/12/17, 09:42 AM
Nice job Menace !! Thanks for sharing. My high was 115x2. You doubled that - that is cool.

Beyond Training, Beyond Experience, Nutrition Wins
2006/12/17, 11:23 PM
12/17/06 3:30pm

-400mg caffeine+60mg pseudo

45-10 reps
115-5 reps
135-5 reps
185-3 reps
225-3 reps
275-1 rep
295-1 rep
315-1+0 rep
315-1+0 rep

-with wide stance....leaned forward but it was more natural...with bar lower on the back...and used hips to get out of the hole...

Pull Ups:
bodyweight-5 reps to chest
+45-3 reps to chest
+90-1 rep+pause at the top and negative.....belt ripped on the way down.....surprised the hell out of me....
-went to get the other belt at the gym....
+115-time hold with chin over the bar and then slow negatives for 2 reps
+135-1 rep of time hold over the bar and slow negative

bodyweight-12+0 reps

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
+120-5 reps...2 sec pause at the bottom
+140-5 reps
+150-1 rep
+160-1 rep
+170-+0+1 it down top 3rd of the way down and just held the weight...

Standing Cable Rope Twists on Pulldown station:
50-5 reps per side....
80-5 reps per side
100-5 reps per side
120-5 reps per side...

DB Lunges:
60s-5 reps
80s-5 reps
100s-5+0 reps...

135-5 reps with 3sec pause on chest
225-5 reps with 3 sec pause on chest
275-3 reps

Partial: top 1/2 or 1/3
315-11+0 reps
365-never got to do it... as some a$$wipe unloaded the bar to do some bar bench with his female friend....gotta wonder how retarded some people see 365 on the bar...a guy steps out for a drink of water and you assume he leaves it?...decided not to make a big deal of it....o well..

5:20PM END

-played some pick up 3o3 and 4o4 for an hour afterwards....
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2006/12/18, 01:21 PM
400mg of caffeine? Thats quite a stack. How'd you sleep on the day you worked out at 7:40?

Iron and chalk.
2006/12/18, 03:57 PM
with 12mg of melatonin+ZMA I slept like a baby....

I am really liking melatonin...seems to be very underrated...I vary it between 3-12mg....trying to find an effective dosage under varying I am used to 400mg of's like 100-200mg used to be....didnt like the fact that I had to take it so late which was around 6:30 given that i was going to sleep no later than 11....i wanted to have the workout friday for that reason as I go to sleep much later....but I was thinking about it so much that I decided just to f*** it and do it...

2006/12/22, 11:06 PM
-gym is going to be closed starting tomorrow until 2nd so I decided today i'd go all out....yea...wishful a ton of sleep up very late...

-400mg caffeine+60mg pseudo+500mg enteric coated aspirin

-my hands were called and my body was really stiff....I should have done some light cardio or stretching....or something but didnt do any of it...perhaps time to start...esp on days like these....


135-15 reps
225-15 reps
315-3 reps
365-1 rep
386-1 rep
405-1 rep....wasnt that heavy but still struggled to get it into a good groove to push a slight pause on the chest...

Pull ups:
bodyweight(220)-5 reps to chest

+45-3 reps
+90-1 rep
+135-1 rep+isometric hold at the top +slow negative....possibly had 2nd but didnt even try it...
+160-2 isometric holds at the topwith chin 3-4 inches over the bar and then slow negatives with isometric pauses/holds at specific points on the way down...very shocked how strong I was at the top...before I used to drop down ...couldnt hold at the a very different friend gave me very good help to get me over the bar....was like an ohp for him lol...week before I had to put a box and stack 7-8 45s on top of it then do like a step up to get chin over the do those isometric holds....not exactly the safest method...

-I was switching off between chins and bench....but I am organizing it together

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
130-8+0 reps with 1-2 sec pause reps at the bottom
140-5+0 reps....
150-2+1 reps...


went to bball for about 30 min

bodyweight-16+0 reps...chin ver the bar...just about touched the bar to the upper chest/sternum...full ROM

+90-10 reps
+135-2+0 reps...

tried #3 gripper with to parallel....from about ccs....called it a day...

5:45pm end

went to bball for a bit more...ran some 5 on 5.....was really out of shape...even more so than usual...knee was ok...obviously still glued to the floor but lateral movements didnt seem to bother it ...::knocks on wood::

Posts: 813
Joined: 2005/03/09
United States
2006/12/23, 12:09 PM
i dont think this is the right place but im just curious, what is lagging in strength if i cant get a chin up past (or barely to)my chin? i can do half reps(obviously kinda dumb) but i cant get my chin past bar let alone to sternum. is this still as much lat or is it possible its as simple as biceps? i feel like they might be a huge weakpoint in a lot of my training as i fail where they would be dominate in BORs...
Posts: 813
Joined: 2005/03/09
United States
2006/12/26, 08:23 PM
im assuming that was you menace. anyway, i typically change up my rep schemes and cycle between close/wide chins and pullups. but again i struggle to get over the bar. the rest of the range is good but i can get over maybe once. i did some holds today but i didnt do with weight.
would it be more beneficial to do holds with no weight and do more negs per set, or do like 1 or 2 weighted?
2006/12/27, 01:15 AM
I would do both. After a warm up with lighter weight. I would stay low with reps. Do negs with weight that feels good for you(Whether bodyweight at first or with some weight). I would combine isometric holds with negs. Keep reps in the 1-2 range. Pick few points and pause through them for few seconds on your negs.

First start out with narrow chins. Then after few weeks slide out your hands couple inches out...etc...You can also do this for pull ups...
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2007/01/05, 02:49 PM
Why the jump from 495 to 635?

And how do you do a ballistic rep with a pause? Do you mean an explosive rep, like a bench throw?

Iron and chalk.
2007/01/05, 01:26 AM
01/04/07 8pm

-played bball 40 min prior...a game of 3o3 and some shooting around

225-5 reps
315-3 reps
405-1 rep
495-1 rep
635-1 rep...used all back but no hitching...felt like I have at least another easy 20-30lb in me....after almost a 6 week lay off...

Dynamic Rows:
315- 5 reps
365-3+0 reps

115-10 pause on chest+ballistic reps
135-5 reps w/pause+explode
225-5 reps w/ pause +explode
315-3 reps....
top 1/2 partial:
365-4+0 reps..pretty least 3-4 reps off my best lift...felt pretty weak...

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on Pulldown Station:
140-10 reps....

-tried to squat but was a no go with left knee locking up surprisingly higher up than normal....was as stiff as a piece of even with a really wide stance...

BBE-1 negative with each hand
#3- 1 rep MMS or bit wider+10 sec closed hold right hand, 2 negatives left hand
#3-1 rep MMS or bit wider +5 sec closed hold right hand, 2
negatives left hand

-surprisingly strong on grippers today....
-havent worked out in two weeks...and even more seriously...

-bent 2 white IMs few days ago and kinked a yellow pretty good with underhand pretty good with my bending progress...

10pm END

I left at 10 but last 30 min I spent mostly chatting...
2007/01/05, 04:58 PM
another person was waiting to do deadlifts...a first lol....a person I turned on deadlifts...he does I decided to skip the extra set....

I guess it was a pause and an explosive rep....the bar was almost leaving my got considerably slower on 225....but I was just messing around as a warm up trying something different...
2007/01/07, 09:08 PM
01/07/07 3:15pm

200mg caffeine+60mg pseudo+500mg enteric aspirin

Military Press:
135-10 reps
Push Press:
185-3 reps
225-3 reps
245-1 rep..felt light so decided to go for a PR
265-0+1 rep...couldnt do anything with it...not enough rest each attempted rep about halfway but didnt have the energy to through the plateau
185-4 reps...was exhausted....prolly had more but i racked it...

-1 muscle up
Pull Ups:
bodyweight(220)-3 reps to chest

+45-3 reps....chest to bar
+90-3 reps....chest to bar
+135-1+0 reps...chin over the bar+pause at the top
bodyweight-18+0 reps....chin over the bar

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
150-8+0 reps
160-1+1 reps....did it as last set after everything and was spent...

5:15pm END
2007/01/13, 10:41 PM
01/13/07 4pm

200mg caffeine+60mg pseudo+500mg aspirin
-felt a bit sick....beginning of a cold perhaps....the historic lows in temp in frisco maybe part of the reason lol...

-supersetted the early sets of the exercises....then did each separate

Standing Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
100-5 reps
160-5 reps
170-2+1 reps...explosive reps
180-1+1 reps...explosive reps..

bodyweight(220)-(pointer and middle fingers only)-3 reps
+45-1 rep
+90-1 rep
+135-1 rep
+135-1 rep
+135-1 rep
+135-1 rep
+135-1 rep...
TBS about 3 min....all except last sets I touched the bar to the chest....last set came an inch or two short....chin was still well over the bar

Squats:-wide stance....slightly staggered stance to accomodate the knee
45-10 reps..
135-5 reps
225-3 reps
275-1 rep
315-1 rep...heavy as crap...
315-1 rep....godawful rep...knees buckling inward...blah...need to push knees out
315-1 rep
315-1 rep
315-1 rep
335-1+0 rep...about as bad as I will ever do this damn exercise....knees buckling inward despite trying to push out...bah..
365-1 negative...
-was getting fairly deep in the hole...with a bit of lean forward...not too bad overall...kept the bar a bit too high but it just doesnt feel as comfortable lower on the back...

Push Presses:
135-5 reps..
185-3 reps..
225-1 rep
245-1+1 reps....missed first attempts, then used more leg drive to get 2nd rep...still had to fight for it for a few sec at the middle and top....
225-2+0 reps

Hub plate lifting:-chalked
35lb-full deadlift with each hand...1 hand at a time...held right for a few sec and lowered with control...left fell to the floor after 1 sec at the top...
36.25lb(bought some 1.25 and 2.5 lb magnetic plates)-full deadlift with right and halfway deadlift with left(slipped out right in the middle)
37.5-got about inch of the ground with each hand...was surprised i budged it of the floor with left
35-1 full deadlift each hand....almost 10 sec hold at the top with right, few sec hold and controlled drop with left
35-1 full deadlift with right and 5 sec hold at the top with controlled full rep with left but it went straight down as I locked it out...

white+green IM bars-easy underhand bend in under a minute
Blue IM Bar-got it easy in under a minute...surprised the hell out of myself....went like butter...decided to give it a shot instead of yellow and got it...used leather cloths....put the clothes against the ends instead of wrapping the bar for some leverage....
yellow IM bar- under 1 min...had to fight for it tho...

6pm END

2007/01/19, 01:00 AM
01/18/06 7:30pm
-shot around bball for 15 min prior to warm up...better grip better dribbling...who the hell would have guessed....
-took 200mg caffeine+60mg pseudo+150mg aspirin+fish oil 5g+b-complex tablet around 6:30pm
-was trying to get in a workout tue/wed instead of today but was too stressed/tired so forced myself to go today...layed off pretty much all forms of caffeine in day to day(usually dark tea or coffe at work) due to stress....been drinking water and taking b-complex and higher dosages of fish oil...

-did dips and dynamic rows as well as some other exercises as supersets of sorts...

Dips: w/leather chain belt
bodyweight(220)-10 reps
+45-3 reps
+90-3 reps
+135-1 rep
+180-1 rep
+235-1+1 reps.....fought for 1st and got around halfway on 2nd....let a growl go on 2nd rep...was quite amusing to me as it was so unintentional..

Dynamic rows:
135-10 reps
225-3 reps
315-3 reps
365-1 rep
405-1 rep
425-1 rep
435-1 rep...still had gas in the tank....

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
100-5 reps
170-3+1 reps....done explosively
180-1+1 reps...done explosively

Standing Cable Rope Twists on Pulldown station:
100-6+0 reps
120-3+0 bad cramp in left calf for some fukn reason

#1 put a small kink in yellow+white IM
#2 put a kink in blue IM bar
#3 got pissed and finished off the blue...still not recovered from bending session couple days ago where I did 2 yellows 20 min apart...
#4 put a ~100 degree kink in yello+white bars....kinked them unevenly...I taped them together but white didnt bend as much...
#5 kinked the yellow+white to around 70 degrees...had no strength for the crush down....none...
was interesting to have quite a few people staring at me as I did that....underhand grip with bar under the chin..

2 forced closes and negatives with BBE with each hand
#3 closed right handed from about parallel....maybe just shy of CCS...and held shut for around 10 sec...even felt a little grind of the left hand to about 1/4 then forced closed it and did couple negatives for couple reps
#3 got right to about 1/16th...couldnt get last fraction no matter how hard i tried so I forced it closed and did a negative.....did 3 negs with left after forced close...

-got excruciating cramps in both calves as I tried to get on tippie toes to grab chin like a little girl in the corner sucking my thumb for the next 20 min.....
-after last bend I chucked all the oatmeal that I ate prior to going to gym....ate 3 servings+berries....good half of it ended up in the garbage can...good times...

saw couple guys really fighting in their 30s curls so i walked up tired as all hell and still 75s for 2 on alt db curls....had to fight for 2nd right handed....when a guy next to me asked if I needed a spot I almost blew up in laughter....had to hold it back as I got the's pure entertainment to watch people do their routines...which for most involves doing some new crazy variation of a one guy doing seated ez bar curls with 50 total weight.....tucking head down and curling weight up over the but if only they used half that creativity to do their fkn squats or deads then it'd be worth a damn...

9:10m PM END....
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2007/01/19, 12:02 PM
But you ate re-ate 2 cups of oatmeal then, right?
2007/01/19, 08:39 PM
no...only raw meat for me post-workout
2007/01/21, 10:08 PM
01/21/07 2:15pm

bar-5 reps
135-5 reps
225-3 reps
275-1 rep
315-1 rep
325-1 rep
335-1+0 reps

Push Presses:
135-5 reps
225-3 reps
315-1/10 front squats
245-2+2 reps...

2 muscle ups

bodyweight-5 to chest
+45-3 to chest
+90-1 to chest
+135-1 to chest, 1 chin over the bar....

DB Bent Presses:
75-3 reps
100-5+0 reps....left struggled more

Standing Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
100-5 reps
150-1 rep
180-0+2 reps
160-5+1 reps

Standing Rope Side Bends on Pulldown station:
50- 5 reps per side
60-5 reps
70-5 reps
80- reps
90-5 reps
100-5+0 reps....
-wasnt sure how much weight to use...first time doing it...

Sitting One Leg Curl Machine:
60-5 reps
120-3 reps
150-1+0 reps

Bending: DU
-blue-killed it under 15 seconds
-yellow+white prekinked to 110-120 degrees....did it in about 15-20 sec....almost punched myself in the mouth when right hand slipped at first
-blue-killed it again in about 15-20 seconds

did a bunch of these in various orders but grouped everything separately for clarity

4:15pm END
2007/04/05, 01:34 PM
who the hell brought this up and why?
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