hey everyone, i'm kinda new here...well i've been registered for a while but haven't really applied anything yet but now i'm in summer and i will begin....
i'm 20 years old and i more or less haven't been thin for as longas i can remember...
i've always had a little extra fat around my stomach and mostly also around my thighs and butt....i have big thighs and butt, i'm 90 kgs and 180 cm....thats 200 pounds and 6 feet.
well my question here is, now will have joined a gym and will start to do cardio wokrouts and eating more healty to lose that extra fat but most cardio workouts invlove the legs and i'm afraid that the fat will burn off and will be replaced by muscles like they will bulk up and stay the same size but with muscles instead of fat...
is that true? i heard that alot...i wonder if it's true...and also if you could recommend any particular exercise that will tone the butt and thighs...
You probably won't get bigger, just more defined, unless you try really hard to get big.
Do squats, deadlifts, leg presses. Don't forget to work your upper body, too.
Try a program from freetrainers - under 'exercise program' at the top of the screen - fill out the goals questionaire and it will generate a workout for you.
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.