2006/06/11, 04:35 AM
Heya, I've gained about 40 lbs. in the last year, and it doesn't seem to go away! They say my ideal weight is 118... hell, I don't remember being 118 EVER in my life, even in middle school... I'm 21 and supposed to be having the time of my life, but, instead, I'm self-concious when I go out, especially since I'm constantly thinking my stomach may be hanging out, or my butt looks too flabby...
The biggest problem I have is getting the motivation to go to the gym. I am a recovering addict to marijuana, and I feel it's left me with tons of fat and an amotivational syndrome. What I need most is encouragement and support - that's how I stopped smoking weed. And I'm a people pleaser - If I feel I will disappoint more than just myself by not going to the gym, I will find a way to make it there. I also need some insight about my diet. I've played around with the whole daily nutritional plan thing and keep messing up. Any ideas on a good day-to-day meal plan? Please show some support for me, and I will definately give it back to you! I'm looking for some "get-healthy buddies," and hopefully some new friends...