Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Joined: 2006/02/21
2006/06/20, 08:21 AM
Myth 1: Performing sit-ups gets rid of fat around the stomach
Fact: spot reduction doesn't work. Exercising specific muscle groups in particular parts of the body doesn't burn fat from that area. Think about it... If spot reduction worked, all chronic gum chewers would have thin faces.

Fat is lost gradually from all over the body. Although sit-ups won't melt fat from your tummy they will help tighten the muscle under the fat, which is worthwhile.

Myth 2: Muscle turns to fat when you stop exercising
Muscle and fat are completely different tissues that are not interchangeable. Instead, there are two key reasons why people perceive that muscle turns to fat when they stop exercising.

Muscle goes from firm to floppy when it's not used. It also decreases in size hence the saying, use it, or lose it.
Many people stop exercising but don't adjust how much food they eat. The reality is, when you exercise less, you have to eat less.

Myth 3: You have to exercise for 20 minutes before you start burning fat
Wrong! Each one of us has a different point where our bodies start burning fat. This is partly determined by genetics but mostly by fitness level. As you get more fit, your body will get better at burning fat. But it's important to note that any physical activity has an impact on burning fat so every time you move, it's worth it.

Myth 4: Miracle machines and tonics can get you fit with no effort required
Golden rule: if you don't work, it doesn't work. Infomercials and magazine ads are filled with get-fit-quick machines, tonics and supplements promising to get you fit with no effort required. But before you get your credit card out, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Myth 5: Resistance (weight) training impedes weight loss
Weight training is a great add-on to cardiovascular exercise because it helps maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism and reduce fat. After age 20, our metabolic rate can decrease by around 10% per decade. This is primarily due to muscles shrinking with age and decreasing use.

In addition, we lose both fat and muscle during weight loss, so relying on an eating plan without upping exercise levels will mean a greater loss of muscle. Weight training can help you keep the muscle while you lose the fat. Particularly on the upper body which isn't exercised much by walking, jogging or cycling etc. Weight training can help you achieve your goals. If gyms aren't your thing, keep in mind that as far as your muscles are concerned, lifting garden gnomes, bricks or even bags of laundry is the same as lifting weights.

Myth 6: It's best to exercise before breakfast because you burn more fat
There is a little evidence to support this theory. However, the number one consideration for exercise is to do something within the 24 hours of most days. Although a case can be made that walking in the morning will increase metabolic rate early in the day and hence result in greater energy use over the whole day. Timing really depends on what you prefer.

From a practical perspective, mornings are best because it's done, out of the way and your exercise is done for the day.

Myth 7: Exercising after main meals is better than before
Exercising before main meals is generally better because exercise is known to decrease appetite. It is believed the increase in blood sugars that help power muscles signal the brain's 'appetstat' that food isn't necessary, hence exercise can reduce and help manage hunger.

Myth 8: Using hand, wrist or ankle weights increases exercise benefits
It's not uncommon to see walkers and joggers carrying hand weights or wearing Velcro weight straps around their ankles or wrists.

If it's crossed your mind that these 'fit bods' are probably getting more benefit from their sessions than you are, don't worry — they're not!

Wrist, hand or ankle weights aren't heavy enough to provide any strength training benefits. In fact, they decrease your activity gains by slowing you down and messing with your natural walking rhythm which raises your risk of injuries. So it's probably best to skip them.

Myth 9: People that are very overweight should avoid exercise
Wrong - just start out easy.

Posts: 3,249
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United States
2006/06/20, 08:47 AM
My vote probably doesn't count for much since I'm so new,but what the heck....

I vote for this thread to get thumbtacked.
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United States
2006/06/20, 08:55 AM
Caused you asked KC!:big_smile:

Less Talk, More Chalk!
The Men and Boys are Separated by one thing: The Squat Cage!
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United States
2006/06/20, 10:25 AM
Thanks mutt(and mystic ofcourse)!!! I think this will answer alot of questions for us new guys!!
Posts: 1
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United States
2006/09/13, 07:39 PM
Are you the same Mutt that runs the SternFanNetwork?

Quoting from 7707mutt:

Caused you asked KC!:big_smile:

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United States
2006/09/28, 10:32 PM
thanks for all that useful is def. gonna help me out
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2007/01/06, 05:24 PM
thanks that was very useful.:big_smile:
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United States
2007/02/02, 12:03 PM
I don't lose weight very easily I have been walking and doing occasional exercise routines but I have never consumed more calories then 1800 and this program says to consume around 3000 how will that allow me to lose weight
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2007/02/02, 02:46 PM
vicjef, first off, welcome to FT. Second, you will find you get a better response if you start a fresh post rather than asking a new question in an old post...As for your question....The calories suggested on this site tend to be on the high side. However, at your current weight, 1800 calories may be too low. I weigh 165 and I currently consume at least 1800 calories. I suggest you track EVERYTHING your eating for the next couple of weeks and verify your calorie intake. Make sure you're eating healthy, 100cal from healthy food is useful, 100cal from junk is wasteful. If you cut your calories too low, your body may just try to hang onto any fat you have and you'll find it difficult to loose wt. Spend some time reading all of the valuable posts and try the search buddy to answer other questions you have. Good Luck!
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United States
2007/03/02, 02:34 AM
I totally agree with everything you are saying except.....

The ankle weights, i have been workin out all my life and ill tell you what ANKLE WEIGHTS HELP!!!! More resistance, the more effort you put in. Ive noticed a HUGE difference.

Especially when you take them off, wow your legs feel like feathers!!!
Posts: 8,201
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United States
2007/03/02, 08:23 AM
we have discussed this before, the ankle weights....
Unnecessary stress on your oints wearing them all the time. Not good.


If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can\'t accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.
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2007/03/23, 11:51 PM
What can you recommend for heavy knees and upper legs? I need overall slimming and toning, but these areas really need work.
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2007/03/24, 08:41 AM
I am sending you an IM, maredillon:)


Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle

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2007/07/12, 03:09 AM
Relating back to Myth #1...

"Myth 1: Performing sit-ups gets rid of fat around the stomach "

If situps dont get rid of the fat around the stomach, what other exercises would you recommend, that would burn off the fat?
Posts: 8,201
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United States
2007/07/12, 08:41 AM
push-backs are the best way to get rid of abdominal fat - once you had eaten enough you 'push-back' from the table :)

How to get rid of abdominal fat has been discussed a zabba gabba bajillion times - do a fit buddy search.

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle

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United Kingdom
2007/07/14, 03:27 PM
myth - supplements work - utter shite in my opinion.
Posts: 6
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2008/07/25, 12:06 PM
wow this was very informative! I'm not going to lie, I thought a lot of these myths were true before just now!
Posts: 13
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2009/01/16, 10:00 AM
Lol, Me to. The sit-ups were the big one for me though. Now I have to go home and tell my husband he was right :(.

Quoting from JGlass18:

wow this was very informative! I'm not going to lie, I thought a lot of these myths were true before just now!
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2009/02/25, 08:34 PM
I really appreciated the "Myth Busters" I am currently trying to do pretty much what everyone else is. Trying to get in good shape and look it. Thanks for the info.:)
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2009/03/02, 12:42 PM
Not true...maybe. The three big supplements for working out are protein, creatine, and a multi-vitamin. All three of those are proven to be beneficial.

I say maybe because if you are referring to things like Hydroxycut, Xenadrine, etc. then yes those are a waste of time and money.

Quoting from baymaster:

myth - supplements work - utter shite in my opinion.
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United States
2009/04/18, 03:44 AM
creatine is something i was given while i was in Basic training for infantryman. its a weight gaining supplement only needed if you're excercising to become a bodybuilder. it packs on weight so u need to excercise alot so you dont get a reverse effect
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United States
2009/05/30, 05:57 PM
Myth 1: Performing sit-ups gets rid of fat around the stomach. This is one of the hardest myths to get people to understand thats not true. I have to constantly remind my clients to do cardio and eat right.
Posts: 642
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2009/11/14, 05:19 PM
Follow Your Diet Six Days a Week, Then You Can Have a Cheat Day

This is absurd! What if you were a harsh, overly strict parent six days a week, then completely ignored your kids every Saturday? How would this approach work for your marriage or managing your employees?

It just doesn't make sense to try to be perfect (whatever that is) Sunday through Friday while obsessing about everything you're going to eat on your day off. Then on Saturday you overeat just because you're allowed to, so you end up feeling miserable all day. Huh? Personally, I would rather enjoy eating the foods I love every day mindfully and in moderation. I call this being "in charge" instead of going back and forth between being in control and out of control.

"Get everthing you want--just make a little change now"
"The thing you have to realize is that you have to work for it,"
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2018/01/16, 03:15 PM
Great info & good read. Thanks