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getting the hang of this

Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/06/25
United States
2006/06/26, 02:35 PM
I am trying to get a hang on site. are there any helpfull hints anyone can give me on how to do the "Add a basket". I am 37 years old and need to get back into shape. I would like to loss 50 lbs. at lease. so Today I joined Womans workout world. I worked out for 1 1/2 hours I did 45 min in cardio on the eliptical and the weights that FT provided. that was nice .. I go walking with friends play tennis and bike ride. however I am not very steady on doing all of those but I am trying to come up with different types of cardio . so I don't get bord. Babysteps.... But I am really motivated to lose this !!!!

Posts: 15
Joined: 2006/06/26
United States
2006/06/26, 03:10 PM
Your heart is definatly in the right spot. It is good to see you have a goal, but you should also set up smaller goals as well. These will help you stay motivated as you see your progress. Reward yourself when you accomplish these smaller goals, such as go to the movies and have a popcorn!, but I don't like the butter personaly :big_smile: . The next biggest thing is to not overwhelm yourself. If you put so much on your plate, you will not want to consume the entire workout, but rather regret and focus on how much is left. Start small, and increase your activities as you go. This is not only the more motivating way, as you can say I am doing this much more this week as of last week, but also healthier, as you are not putting a lot of unprepared stress on your body. This will help to avoid injuries. You have the perfect attitude, and I am certain that if you maintain your motivation, you will more than succede with your goals.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/06/25
United States
2006/06/27, 03:10 PM
Well thanks for pep talk.. Do you find that when you add food to your basket the calorie count is different then what is on the package, and they have me on a 2596 calorie diet. Wow I think that is high. I what to lose 5o pounds not gain it

Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2006/06/27, 03:26 PM
Hi Halliedog and welcome to FT. The total daily calories given here tend to be a bit high. The ideal thing to do is to track your current intake for a couple of weeks to find out how many calories your taking in just to maintain your current wt. Then try dropping that number by 250calories/day and see if you start loosing wt. Another general rule of thumb is to multiply your wt by 11 and that'll give you an aprox. calorie per day. You should aim to loose 1-2 lbs per week. Divide your total daily calorie intake into 5 or 6 meals (3 full meals + 2 snacks works for me) and at each meal insure your getting lean protien(chicken,fish,eggs), healthy fats(olive oil) and good carbs(lots of veggies and whole wheat). Check out the grocery list for healthy eating in the diet and nutrition forum and you'll be eating the right things.

Hope that helps and good luck with your goals!

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/06/25
United States
2006/07/03, 12:18 PM
ok i am not sure which color i am suppose to watch on those pie charts. wehat does actual marco breakdown mean, target breakdown and fat breakdown do i want it to match the target pie chart? uhg.

Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2006/07/04, 08:41 AM
I know those charts are there as a tool, but try not to over analyze things too much or you'll just get frustrated.

Try keeping really simple for yourself. Eat 3 main meals/ day which include a healthy portion of protien (egg or chicken breast or fat free cheeses or other lean meat etc), a heathy portion of carbs (whole wheat, oatmeal) and a bit of heatlhy fat (olive oil to cook, a few nuts, the fat you'd get if you ate a peice of salmon) plus tons of veggies. good examples would be eggs fried with olive oil and some whole wheat toast/ slad with chicken breast/tuna on whole wheat tortilla/lean beef with veggies and brown rice.

Between the 3 meals eat a healthy snack, again try and include protien/carb and fat, but make it a snack size meal (cottage cheese+berries or a bowl of oatmeal, a handfull of nuts, a protien bar etc)

For a few weeks, record everything you eat and figure out the amount of protien fat and carbs you're consuming each day. On the pie chart, the biggest piece of pie will be carbs, next protien, next healthy fats. I believe a good target is 40% carbs, 40% protien, 20%fat (I could have this a bit off, so check what your calculation says).

The key is to eat lean protien, heathy carbs (whole grain) and veggies and only healthy fats. Fruit is OK too, but keep it in moderation due to the high sugar content. Berries are the best choice for fruit. check out the grocery list for healthy eating for the best food choices it's in the diet and nutrtion thread-thumbtacked)

Hope this helps a bit. You can get bogged down and demotivated by overanalyzing things, so try and keep it simple!