2006/06/29, 09:16 PM
Hi every one this is wonderfull a sea of knowledge i'm loving it.I need help.What can i do or use to help me recover quicker.I train my legs on day1 and then going to gym feels like punishment for somthing i like to do.
Please help
2006/06/29, 09:56 PM
Welcome Joe - not quite enough info though. :) Post a little more about how long you've been working out and what is bothering you on day 2.
2006/06/30, 10:34 AM
Still not enough info Joe. You're right about the lactic burn but you aren't saying what you're workout schedule is. I have to assume you're doing a full body workout if you're to sore the next day to workout. Most of us use a split routine and the number of workout days a week is up to you. Have you checked out the free routines on this site?
2006/06/30, 07:17 PM
Well i do 3 sets 12,10,8 increasing the weight with each set eg: squats set1 12reps 70kg,set2 10reps 80kg,set3 8reps 90kg.I drink protein powder and creatin.The creatin for only 2weaks now.Will the creatin help or must i just cowboy up and take it.
2006/06/30, 07:36 PM
And way is some of my post coming up as null.No need to answer that.
2006/07/03, 01:09 AM
No more advice from anyone?
2006/07/03, 05:31 PM
Glutamine thanx i'll check it out