Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

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Sore Lungs?

Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/07/13
2006/07/13, 11:35 AM
Oops, I guess I was in the wrong board when I previously posted this, I'm hoping this is a more appropriate place:

Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone else gets a sore, burning feeling in their lungs when they jog? I really enjoy my quiet, morning jog but it becomes painful and the burning sensation continues for about 15-20 minutes after my cool down even. This is making my work-out less enjoyable all the time, and I'm wondering if this is common or if anyone knows of a possible solution?? Thank-you very much in advance. Have a great day*!~ :)

~\"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself.\"~
Posts: 44
Joined: 2003/09/28
2006/07/19, 01:24 PM
lol i think its definetly probably related to your fitness level, mabe your just taking it to fast. I know that at the begining of hockey season when they skate the hell out of us to get us ready, everyones lungs burn cause were all out of shape and not used to the hard work. Not saying your out of shape or anything, mabe your just pushing it a little to hard.
Posts: 59
Joined: 2005/10/02
2006/07/24, 11:06 PM
Possibly Asthma, I mentioned I have some discomfort when I exert myself and that if I am anything but fully rested when I run my, lungs ache? or have way less capacity/efficiency, to my doctor. He let me try a sample of an inhaler before I run and it makes a world of difference for me. I always thought it was just me pushing to hard to get my fitness level up.

I even notice I wheeze alittle while jogging sometimes, usually a sure sign of an oncoming cold or illness for me. But the inhaler cuts the wheezing down as well.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2006/08/23
United States
2006/08/24, 01:51 PM
I have had problems getting heartburn while running. It made my lungs feel like they were burning and really made it hard to breathe. I'm not sure if I was inhaling stomach acid, or if it was just hard to tell where the pain was coming from. Now I take a zantac before running and have no problems.
Posts: 3,249
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United States
2006/08/24, 02:30 PM
Do you eat a meal before you run reaper???That will cause indigestion.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2006/08/23
United States
2006/08/24, 03:17 PM
nope, I just have problems with acid reflux. I don't eat at all at least 5 hours before running. Usually I run in the morning on an empty stomach.
Posts: 81
Joined: 2006/05/20
United States
2006/08/24, 06:39 PM
Nothing_Less, I agree with jakewa3. I have the same problem. I have exercise induced asthma. I admit I am stubborn and just deal with it. The doc says that is my choice. (Not bad enough to require an inhaler.) If it's bad enough, you could tell your doctor about this. :)