2006/07/26, 08:58 AM
Displaced Georgia peach here :) I found Free Trainers last year, lost the site and recently found it again thank goodness. I am struggling to regain a former level of physique as well as progress even farther. A bit about myself, I have execersized all my adult life since starting to have children, now at 47 the light has finally lit, switch up your routines silly. I seem to get bored with them after about 2 weeks.
Here is my problem,, after quiting smoking almost a yr and a half ago I put on about 30 pounds. The wieght seems to have stopped moving up, I am not gaining but loosing size so I am doing something right. I workout at home, bodywieght calisthetics, recently added some 1 1/2 pound wrist wieghts. I use them like little free wieghts.
My question to add to this introduction is this, how much of a variance do you have to do to a routine to keep the body progressing?
-------------- If I am not trianing I am lying in a puddle of goo glue.. yuk, must keep moving :P