2006/08/17, 09:49 PM
Hi, everyone, I'm new to this forum, so if I ask questions that have already been addressed in past, cut me some slack.
Okay, I just turned 42 toawrds the end of July, I'm a veteran w/ a 30% disability rating through the VA, and I try to get in the gym 3-4 times/week. I've had a broken right metatarsal, broken left femur, severed right internal carotid (due to some civilian thug assholes jumping a GI buddy & me one one of the bastards stabbing me, presumably after I KO'ed two of them from what I've heard)& subsequent stroke 12 hrs following the first surgery to repair the stab wound to my artery.
Anyhow,I have a prescription for Prevacid, and I'd like to know if it's safe to be taking Cissus RX--which I just now got--creatine ethyl ester, Joint Boost, VPX NO Shotgun, Universal Animal Paks,Universal Animal Stak 2, and Universal Uni-Liver while on the Prevacid. I've had no problems with the past creatine monohydrate, NO Explode, and other supplements, aside from some heartburn at times which usually seems to depend on what I eat & when in relation to the supplements.
Anyhow, if anybody's got good intel on this stuff, I'd appreciate it!