2006/08/18, 12:14 AM
Hello! I am a 21 year old female, I stand at 5'8" 157 lbs. In highschool, I was all around athletic, participated in every sport there was and exceeded at all of them. I have never been thin/skinny, always "thick" and muscular. But since I have graduated from school, I do not work out and eat one time a day, usually a hot pocket. I have lost the definition in my muscles, and I have no energy, and sleep all the time. My boyfriend is 43 yrs. old and is 5'11" 203lbs and is like 3% body fat! Something is not right! I am the young one, and I need to be in shape and looking my best. He does the nutritional plan and workout just like body builders...I don't want to be that extreme bcuz I would be unhappy w/ that sort of diet. I enjoy eating, but I want to tone up, lean up, get energitic again, and just be healthy. Any advice or comments would be appreciated. (if there is a pic on my profile, it is the one of my man! I don't know if uploaded right or not)