2006/10/17, 07:23 PM
Hi everyone, I have been lifting heavy on and off for about 2 years, bench 270, squat 370, and deadlift 455. I am 5'10" and weigh between 175 - 180. My goal is to bench 315, squat 405, and deadlift 495 by July 2007. I think I am on track. I squat monday, bench weds, dl friday, and just added speed bench on sunday. I lift at home with a power rack, an olympic weight set, deadlift rack, and 120 pound sand bag. I do mostly singles on the core exercises and stick to multi joint movements, occasionally a BB curl... I also have a hex bar, and ez curl bar, and chains.
I am thinking of adding some more equipment. First thing that comes to mind is a roman chair. Anybody use one of these religiously? I would like to strengthen my core, would help with bp, squat, and dl. Worth it, and where to buy?
Also will be buying some more miliary duffle bags for farmers walk, maybe 100 lbs sand in each one.
Want to buy dumbells with 200 pounds of 10 pound plates.
Want to buy mini bands.
Overall though, what about the roman chair, worth it, or not?
2006/10/18, 02:22 PM
i think that core is worked out a lot with lifts such as squats and deadlifts. i personally would not go for the roman chair (unless you dont have a dip station) only because you could easily find some exercises to make up for the lack of it. do thinks like woodchops, hanging leg raises, weighted crunches ets. for the leg raise, a very useful exercise, just hang from your pull up bar and lift you feet towards your head with your legs almost straight. also you can do stuff like cable crunches
good luck... and it seems like you have a real nice setup as it is...
2006/10/18, 07:01 PM
how old are you? do you have any specific goals for why you're training?
not that essential...you can do hyperextensions to strengthen lower back but you can do deadlift variations for that....
dip/pull up station would be my first priority.....
if you get dumbells, get thick ones....with 2-3" handle
You may also want to get a 2-3" barbell....for support grip training...
you can get it here or google other place
you may also consider getting equipment to train your grip....which will be great for sports performance and holding on to weights...
sledgehammers are great for wrist training/levering
grippers(captains of crush, beef builder, robert baraban) for crush strength/grip
blobs/pinch blocks for training pinch grip/thubm strength...
check out www.gripboard.com
2006/10/19, 12:16 PM
Quoting from menace3000:
"how old are you? do you have any specific goals for why you're training?"
31 years old, like to train because I have a drill sergeant type of discipline that needs to be challenged. Also, in the intitial post, I meant deadlift JACK not rack.
My specific goals are posted above: by July 2007, bench 315, squat 405, dl 495. Right now, I am at 270, 370, and 455, respectively. Making great gains on dl, ok on squat, but bench, my progess is going backwards. Don't know why, maybe I should post my training log here...
2006/10/19, 10:05 PM
do it and ill rip it apart for you. it always helps to see things on paper.
-------------- Iron and chalk.
2006/10/20, 04:06 AM
journal is very helpful...so go ahead and post it and we'll get a better idea of what you're doing....
generally you may just need to change the exercises...switch to a different variation of bench or do heavy dips...