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Unable to upload pictures

Posts: 25
Joined: 2006/10/23
United States
2006/11/18, 04:23 PM
Anyone else with the same problem. Ive tried at least 20 times it just goes to a blank webpage and does nothing. Is there a special format photos have to be in??

It is what it is
Posts: 3,249
Joined: 2006/05/19
United States
2006/11/19, 05:47 PM
What are the size of your pictures??They have to be jpeg format and under 200 kb..I had the same poictures were to big...I did some that were just over 50kb and they went right through...and then it takes about a week for them to post.
Posts: 641
Joined: 2005/05/27
United States
2006/12/05, 03:21 PM
KC beat me to it.
Posts: 657
Joined: 2006/11/14
United States
2006/12/05, 05:23 PM
it will go to a blank web page even when you do it right and after you do it right it still takes about 4 days for them to be approved
Posts: 441
Joined: 2006/10/26
United States
2006/12/05, 07:48 PM
i havent had mine come up either..and i know they were the right size...guess we just have to wait and be patient
Posts: 441
Joined: 2006/11/23
United States
2006/12/06, 06:10 AM
Not sure of the size of mine, but my pics haven't appeared. No hurry guys just wanted to alert someoone :)