2002/11/30, 02:37 PM
You really have your own answer. MRP's will always fill the bill. Will give you calories and protein and vitamins and minerals when needed in a pinch. Just a shaker cup and some water. Or if you prefer, you can make them up as pudding, just mix at night to a paste like consistency, even add some yougurt, and chill overnight. Put in containers, and the beauty of this is they won't spill! Almost any brand is relatively inexpensive when you figure per meal, around $1.50-$1.75 or so per package if you figure this out by the price of the box. Myoplex for example has 280 calories per packet I believe, so just 2 of them added to your diet will aid you in the form of 560 more calories, 84 grams of protein, and even more if you add yogurt. Good luck. You could always go the candy bar route too, but I would opt for the MRP's if you can.
-------------- The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!