Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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Sprained Wrist

Posts: 153
Joined: 2002/08/30
United States
2007/01/10, 10:20 AM
so i sprained my wrist like a month ago, and it still hurts since im in iraq my job here involves lotso d physical activity, so i constantly putt wieght on it. I sitll do my work outs i can lift dumbelss easy byt with barbells it gives me pain. Ive tried ace bandages doesnt work too well. any tips? and how long does it usually taake to heal?
Posts: 657
Joined: 2006/11/14
United States
2007/01/11, 06:45 AM
depends on what and where the actual sprain is....but without rest not much chance of a full heal