Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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Low back - not sure if sciatic or SI

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/02/04
United States
2007/02/04, 10:48 AM
I am a 44 year old female who started a walking program about 7 months ago. I walk between 5 and 7 days a week, around 3 to 4 miles each time. If I can?t walk (due to weather) I have an elliptical machine that I use. I also use hand weights about 3 times a week. I have lost approx. 26 pounds. I still have probably about 15 pounds more to lose to be at my ideal weight (I am currently 5?6? and weight 160 pounds) I have recently started playing rec volleyball once a week as well a line dancing once a week. My problem is, I have been having twinges and pains in my lower back. They are low and to the left and right of my spine. I?m not sure if this is the sacroiliac joint, or the sciatic nerve, but it is not directly at my spine, but about 2 inches over from my spine on either side. I?ve tried to rest it and cut back on exercise, but I still feel it. The worst I feel it is when I sit. Can you recommend exercises to strengthen this area and to make the pain go away so it won?t come back? Thank you.
Posts: 441
Joined: 2006/11/23
United States
2007/02/05, 12:02 PM
ANy exercise to strengthen the core will help your back. When I 1st started working out again, my back pain was a concern going in. After a few months of hitting my core, it is no longer an issue!!
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2007/02/05, 01:03 PM
I highly recommend going to see a physical therapist. I suffered with similar issues and thought I'd never be pain free again, but after many PT sessions, no more pain. I am 43 and interestingly, I think it was walking that finally did me in-OK, maybe that in combination with running, cycling, fencing, swimming..... Things just start to tighten up more easily as we age and of course we just keep going on as if we were 20. It took a long time to finally rid me of the pain (like over a period of 2 years) and one of the roots of my problems of extremely tight hip flexors. If you don't want to do the PT route, then I suggest tons of stretching AFTER you've warmed your body up. Hip flexor stretching, hamstring stretching, quad stretching, lower back stetching etc. Doing things like supermans or back extentions will also help srengthen your lower back, along with any core work to strengthen your abs. I know this was a long winded reply, but I know where your coming from and the sooner you get treatment the better--believe me, it only gets worse without treatment!

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
The harder you fall, the higher you bounce